I want you to sign up for a triathlon today. It's spring time, the sun is starting to come out and you can finally emerge from the cave you've been hibernating in for the last 6 months. It's time to dust off that that bike, grab those goggles and dig out that running gear. Let's sign you up for a triathlon. It's quick, painless, and takes less than 10 minutes. Let's go! 1. Commit Commit. The first major step that most people forget. Commit to running ...
Archives for March 2011
Think Outside The Box…What Box?
Think outside the box. It's pretty common advice these days which is a little ironic considering how little the outside the box thinking actually tends to happen from the people who encourage it. This happens simply because when most people urge you to "think outside the box", what they're really trying to say is "stop thinking like everyone else and think like me." Very rarely do they actually want you to think outside any box. They simply want you to ...
Creating A Frictionless Life
I have to admit. I have it pretty good. I'm healthy. I have clean water. I have a place to sleep. I got my basics covered. Beyond that, I have a good job I enjoy, a blog with amazing readers [that's you], I get the chance to attempt a whole list of impossible things and I just got back from Hawaii. I really can't complain. As I was having dinner with my friends in Hawaii the night before I came back, they mentioned how sorry they were for all of the ...
The Two Part Guide To Doing Something Awesome
I lot of people have been telling me that my Hawaii trip looks awesome [which by the way, it is]. It's usually accompanied with one of the following two questions: How do you do what you do? How can you get to do something so awesome? I usually just answer "Just like everyone else...I hop on a plane and fly there." Unfortunately, most people don't find that to be a satisfactory answer, and leave frustrated, so here's a more in depth answer. The first ...
Popularity vs. Influence
It's interesting how obsessed we can get with popularity. At some point we've been convinced that popularity is the key to success. If a lot of people like you, you're set. It's funny because the people I see doing really influential things around me, aren't necessarily the ones people talk about. They're not the "popular" ones, but they're the ones doing stuff that matters. They're the ones worth paying attention to. In fact, once you get into things, ...
Tsunami Scares, Hawaii, And More
Greetings from Hawaii! I landed last night and about 15 minutes after I stepped off the plane, Hawaii announced a Tsunami warning. I'm staying in Kaneohe, on the island of Oahu, way above sea level so we're totally safe, but I decided to shoot a video for you guys to prove it. [Can't see the video? Click Here] I'm planning on shooting lots more videos while I'm here in Hawaii for a few reasons. It's beautiful It's freaking beautiful Don't believe me? ...
The Bleeding Edge of Sustainability
In his never-ending quest to write things I need to hear, Hugh McLeod dropped this on me via Twitter. [blackbirdpie url="http://twitter.com/gapingvoid/status/45169828172009472"] Right now, I'm on the bleeding edge of what I'd probably consider sustainable creation for me. In the last month, I've taken on more clients, more responsibilities at my work and I've started full-tilt marathon training. I thought my schedule was full before, but I think I'm on ...
My Incredibly Selfish Reason for Writing This Blog
Lately, I’ve been getting asked a lot why exactly I write here. I guess that’s a fair question considering I talk about the importance of why impacts what you do and I really throw people for a loop when I say I don't plan on making any money directly from this blog. We can fight all you want about the technicalities & syntax of that post, but if I'm not out to make money, why do I even bother writing? Here's my little secret: I write what I need to ...
Impossible Update: February 2010 – Polar Bear Plunge Edition
About six weeks ago, one of my co-workers asked several people in the office if they would do a polar bear swim here in Indiana in late February as a fundraiser for the Indiana Special olympics. Polar Bear Swim. February. Indiana. Getting the picture? It's not a good one. I hate the cold. A lot. But, I like adventure more and having never done a Polar Bear swim before, I wasn't going to turn down my first chance to take part. We got up early Saturday ...