A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week. George Patton I once had employee that I had to let go. When I let him go, I went through a post-mortem of what went wrong and started reviewing some of his work. There was something like 5 projects that were all un-done. He would get to a specific part in the project (typically 80% through - almost finished) and then inevitably hit an obstacle. And ...
Archives for June 2019
“Creative Fundraising Ideas That Worked: The 777 Project” – My Talk At The Collaborative 2019 Conference by Classy.org
Last week, I was in Boston for 36 hours to speak at The Collaborative - a conference for non-profits put on by Classy.org. This was a talk a little different than I normally do - but I spoke about a little "crazy fundraising ideas that worked" - the 777 project - the things we did right and some of the things that we could do a lot better (don't completely mess up your peroneal tendon and do 6 months or rehab in the middle of your fundraiser is one ...
10 Good Stories: The 5 Year Rule For Your IMPOSSIBLE List
10 Good Stories: The 5 Year Rule For Your Impossible List How many times have you run into someone that’s still talking about the good old days, but the good old days were high school and they’re 40? They sound like Uncle Rico from Napoleon Dynamite "How much you wanna bet I could throw a football over them mountains?"Uncle Rico So how do you fix this? If you find yourself looking back - wishing for the good old days. Wanting to go back. Or, ...
Hard Mode
Growing up I played video games quite a bit. I had to quit when I realized you could put all the hours I put into getting imaginary badges in a game into having real life experiences. When I picked up a new game, "easy mode" is typically how I'd jump in and learn the game. It's a bit slow, but you get the hang of things and figure out how to move around, fight the bad guys without getting pissed off and breaking the controller before you even get ...