Whew! In the last week, I’ve moved and settled into my apartment downtown Chicago, finalized Impossible Abs and . I’m really excited to make this available to you guys.
Yesterday, we answered a bunch of questions about the program and tomorrow is launch day (9am EST sharp!), so today, I’m going to clear up any remaining questions about the program.
Impossible Abs: What It’s About
When I set out to knock “get six pack abs and do a photo shoot to celebrate” off the Impossible List, I was in the Dominican Republic and had no access to a gym. But, I had already put money down for my photo shoot 8 weeks later, so I realized I had to figure out a workout that I could do anywhere in the world, regardless of gym access or fancy equipment. So that’s exactly what I did – and it worked – spectacularly. Over the next 8 weeks, I lost 34 pounds and dropped to 5.4% body fat and finally got six pack abs. Once I shared my story, I received an onslaught of questions about what program I followed to do it.
Impossible Abs is That Program.
A lot of trainers, programs and websites will promise you “1 easy trick” or some “magic exercise” to lose weight and get ripped.
I won’t.
Impossible Abs is a no secrets, no excuses, no B.S. program.
And so, I’m going to do something a little different than most people would do. I’m not going to sit here and promise you that it will be easy – ’cause it won’t be.
I’ll promise you that it will be hard, but it will be worth it.
What’s Inside
Impossible Abs is the most comprehensive resource I’ve put together to date and the results people have been getting are really incredible.
In addition to the Nutrition and Workout Blueprints that show you exactly what to eat and what workouts to do over 8 weeks, you’ll get access to a growing library of over 25+ video tutorials of workouts and exercises in the program. We also give you nutrition, workout and weigh-in logs to track your progress throughout the program.
In the higher-end challenge version, we provide daily emails (56 total and counting) through the 8-week challenge where finishers get a special edition impossible shirt only for challenge finishers (it will never be for sale, you have to EARN it). We take you behind the scenes and show you how to hack the photo shoot to get that “extra lean” look for your photos as well as do exclusive interviews with expert fat loss coaches and fitness model
I also detail out my personal experience as a case study where I include weekly weigh-ins, photographs, workout repetitions and as well as every single thing I ate during the program. I really put back the curtain and even include some personal emails detailing my thought process throughout my transformation – even when things got really rough.
There’s also a personalized one-on-one coaching program level, if you’re interested in that.
A lot of people were curious about what the pricing will be. The average gym membership is between $25-$50 per month and most personal trainers charge anywhere from $60-$120 per hour and I’m very happy that the basic version of Impossible Abs will cost less than a single personal training session in order to allow as many people access to the program as possible. As I mentioned before there are two other tiers for those who want to take the challenge to the next level.
There’s no artificial time or quantity limit on this program, but there will be a special webinar bonus for those that buy it within the first week, where you can ask Vic and myself anything you like.
I tested this program on myself first and saw amazing results first-hand. We’ve seen some incredible results from the early beta testers and we’ll be sharing those stories throughout the next few weeks. The program simply works and I’m excited to share it with you because I know it can help get you in amazing shape.
There are no more excuses.
And, as always, if you’re already ripped to shreds or simply just not interested, there’s certainly no pressure to purchase it at all. Thanks for reading :).
I’m pretty sure that’s it. Check back tomorrow at 9am EST when it all goes live!
Marco says
Can’t wait for it!