I realized I haven’t been talking about the things going on with IMPOSSIBLE.
I have been handling a lot of things internally. But I haven’t talked about them publicly enough.
I think that’s typically how I handle stuff. I’ve spoken before about how once I talk about something – it’s done. It’s just a matter of time until I do it.
That’s how I felt when I relaunched 777 and that’s how I feel about most things.
That said – that means that I tend to do a lot of groundwork beforehand and don’t tell anyone until things are ready.
That’s great for keeping your follow-through percentage up, but it’s not great communication or even basic marketing.
There’s a quote that goes something like this:
You judge your self based on your intentions. Others judge you based on your actions.
So internally – I’ve been doing a lot of things and think everyone knows what’s going on – and understands why I’m slammed.
But, externally – it might seem like things have gone a bit quiet.
Sort of like how a duck swims – on the surface everything looks calm – but below the surface, they’re swimming like crazy.
So, apologies if this sounds on repeat (or if it’s new news), but I’m back to shipping.
I have a lot of things ready to launch to continue building IMPOSSIBLE – not just to inspire you to make your own impossible list, and do something – but to create the resources, information and tools to do just that.
I’ve had lots of people say “IMPOSSIBLE has changed my life – I’d to buy something from you.”
Well, as IMPOSSIBLE grows – there’s a lot more things coming up.
Here’s a partial list of what’s on the dockett before the end of the year:
- Paleo Meal Plans 2.0
- MW 2.0 (explaining this soon)
- IMPOSSIBLE T&C (explaining this soon as well).
- The FPC Protocol
- New IMPOSSIBLE Gear #1
- New IMPOSSIBLE Gear #2
- New IMPOSSIBLE Physical Product (more details coming soon)
If you want to know everything coming – click here.
You can also follow me on Twitter for updates here @joelrunyon and @impossiblehq.
So there’s the update. Stay tuned – there’s a lot more to come.
And remember – just because your intentions are great – they don’t mean much unless they’re attached to action.
Keep pushing.
Keep shipping.
And do something IMPOSSIBLE.
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