The life left unexamined is not worth living. – Socrates
Every month I try to take a look back at what’s going on with the blog, my training regime, and my life in general. I think reflection is an important part of anything you do. In my day job, we look at Return on Investment for our clients so we can see what worked and what didn’t and then adjust accordingly. IIf you don’t know what path to take to get where you are, how will you know whether to keep going, adjust course or turn around? With that in mind. Let’s see how things went…
Triathlon Training
May was my first complete month of training. I’m happy to say that besides one lapse early on, thanks to the Screw It & Do It mindset I’ve adopted, I’ve mostly managed to get some sort of workout in 6/7 days of the week, with the 7th day being my rest days [for which my legs are quite grateful]. This is what I did last month.
- Running – 49.82 miles for 6h 14 minutes [7:30 mile avg]
- Biking – 1 cycling class/week – 170 minutes
- Swimming – 3450m
I’m extremely happy with how much running I got in. 50 miles may not sound like a lot, but I am NOT a runner and never have been. I’m amazed how much I’m actually getting used to it, and actually [God forbid] starting to enjoy it. I also got to 1 cycling class a week and managed to swim a decent amount. This next month I’ll definitely be stepping up my swimming efforts. I’ve gotten a lot more used to the water since I’ve started and I think that’s where I have the most room for improvement. I do want to get more cycling in as well, but I’m honestly not terribly worried about the cycling as much as I am about 1) drowning during the swimming portion or 2) having a heart attack during the running. Besides, it looks like I’m going to have start biking a lot more now by default considering my car decided to blow up. First step, get a bike. Hopefully Everet Bogue knows what he’s talking about when he says I can get one for $150 :).
While I’m happy with it overall there are a few things I’d like to build on for June:
- Running – 75 miles total. Run a sub 6-minute mile & Run an 8 miler at a sub 9-minute pace.
- Biking – 6 cycling class & start biking outside.
- Swimming – 10,000m.
- I want to do one race this month. Whether it’s a running event or triathlon I don’t care. The problem is my only free weekend is the weekend of the 26th [thanks to the massive number of friends of mine that are getting married] so I need to find something that weekend.
If you’re interested, you can usually find out which workout I’m torturing myself at twitter [@JoelRunyon] or check up on me via my Triathlon Tracker.
BIT the Blog
I’ve been officially writing here at BIT for 2 months now [though it’s only been “officially launched” for a little over a month]. I’m pretty happy with the consistency that I’ve managed to post. I’ve was able to get 10 different post up this month (1 every 3 days) which is right in the target range of what I was hoping to do. I’d like to post a little more frequently so I’ll see what I can do. [I’d like to know what you think. Do you want to see me write more, less, the same, none at all?]. I had the wonderful opportunity to guest post at Get Rich Slowly on my experience in “Reading The Fine Print” which brought in lots of new faces and readers [thanks for sticking around]. There were also great responses to my experience of Running Through The Rain, and falling victim to Dangerous Inaction. There was also a lot of discussion on the post Experiences > Things which really talks about the decisions that I’ve personally made to value experiences over physical items.
As for my June blogging goals, I’ll keep them fairly simple:
- Write 12 killer posts here at BIT
- Guest post at least 2x. I have a few in mind, but I need to go ahead and get some of these ideas out of my head and on to paper.
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[…] the beginning of July I said I wanted to do a race this month. I didn’t care what type of race it was (5k, 10k, or tri), I just wanted to do […]