For the last few years, I’ve talked about blackmailing yourself into goals. I’ve done it a ton of times myself to get ready for a photo shoot, prepare for a talk or just get more stuff done.
In the past, I’ve used Stickk, but that was a really great solution in 2007 – but it’s 2017 now – and they haven’t really changed much at all.
I’ve wanted to build a Stickk alternative for a long time, but I wanted to keep it simple and – to be honest – haven’t had the time or bandwidth to do anything with it between finishing the 777 Project, the paleo businesses, a bunch of new additions to Impossible Fitness and some physical products we’re working on (coming soon!).
However, this weekend, I built an MVP that did exactly this – with basically zero code involved (I’ll share more about this method in a little bit).
However, before we get into the weeds and releasing it on a full-scale basis, I need some beta testers to make sure my crazy idea actually works, so it’s only available to a few people to start while we work out the bugs.
If you’re interested & have a goals you want to accomplish in the next 30 days, you can sign up at the link below.
Blackmail Yourself
Accomplish your goals – by any means necessary.
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