Greetings from Minneapolis.
I got in yesterday and from the current looks of things, I’m fairly sure Target is just a few years away from officially renaming Minneapolis – Targetoplis (I’m pretty sure they own the entire city).
If you didn’t know, I’ll be speaking at the Target Headquarters (yes, that Target) in a few hours (is this real life?). I’ll be sharing a little about my story, triathlon and my take on doing the impossible. So for the last few days, I’ve been knee deep in my presentation, but I thought I’d throw in a mini-update on things around here:
Amazon, Manifestos, and Subscriptions
After thousands of people downloaded the manifesto, I thought I should probably make it easier for people to get their hands on it. I’ve heard good things about this site (I hear it’s gonna be big), so I did some leg work and go it all set-up so you can grab it from Amazon if you want. Interestingly enough, they won’t let me GIVE it away unless I sign a bunch of exclusive agreements which I don’t really feel like doing. The closest to Free I can get is selling it on Amazon for .99. I think I get about .30 of that, so if you feel like lining my pockets with millions of quartes and nickels, CLICK AWAY.
I know some of you guys just want to be able to read it on your e-reader and I agree that it doesn’t really make sense for me to charge for something I’ve given away for free before. So, if you want to just download it directly, I’m hooking you up. You can grab them for free if you want at the links below.
Either way, if you get a chance, head over and leave a review of the manifesto if it impacted you in some way.
While I was digging around in Kindle-land, I found out that you can set up blogs to be subscribed via kindle too. For some reason, this costs $.99 and as far as I know, I don’t get any of that (I’m not sure if that’s true or not, but if it is – BOO). But hey, if you’ve always dreamt of reading the blog on your kindle, now you can. You can always read for free via RSS or email too.
Subscribe to the Blog of Impossible Things via Kindle
We’re slowly expanding some of the items in the apparel line. I love the blue/white combo but I decided we need to have a sort of home and an alternate jersey. After messing around with a few different colors, I settled on a grey/black that sort of look awesome in my completely unbiased opinion. You can grab one in the store if you want (don’t worry, we won’t be coming out with 100s of colors every month – we’ll be sticking with grey/blue for the near future). You can grab one in the store for $20 – free shipping anywhere in the world. (Oh, and you can be dang sure I’m repping one under my shirt for today’s talk).
Also, the Impossible Tri launch is getting moved back to the 28th. Don’t worry your pretty little face. We’ll be adding in an extra dose of awesome + a few really good interviews that will be all wrapped up and ready to go. We just need another week to make it happen :).
I’m going to go finish up my powerpoint slides and hopefully not screw this talk up. I’ll do my best to grab it on video and share it (but no promises!) . As always, keep doing something impossible :).
Mike says
“Home and Away jersey,” love it, haha. You could host Impossible Games somewhere with Blue and Grey teams. Field games like tug-o-war, egg toss, dizzy bat relay, wheelbarrow race, etc. Might be fun just for us and some friends sometime if we’re ever in the same city. Just a thought.
Todd Kuslikis says
Good luck today Joel. Knock em dead!
David A Moore says
Hey Todd, I recognized you name from the forums over at Start a Blog That Matters. Thought I’d say hello. I am progressing thru the re-do also. Good luck.
Todd Kuslikis says
Hi David,
Thanks! Yeah, the course is incredible and Corbett is a stud. He has helped me out so much. Very accessible.
I just signed up for your list on your site.
Let me know how I can help you in any way.
David Moore says
Joel, you’ll crush it for sure. Love the grey shirt, it’s my “go to” shirt. When working out, it really shows if you are busting your butt or NOT.
Harrison says
Haha, Target Corp basically owns the whole city. Everything is pretty much named or funded by the company.
Jami Lynn says
So excited for you Joel! And jealous, because I know you’re at least around the Carlsons. 🙂
HurleyJ says
Are you going to console the 1700 Target HQ employees that were told yesterday they would be laid off? Ouch! It’s the “big news” here as of last night. The governor actually held an emergency meeting with the CEO/B.o.D’s. earlier this week about it. While you’re here, jump the river and say hi in St. Paul!
HurleyJ says
lol, nevermind, old post just showed up on facebook.