What don’t you do? It’s easy to be swept into a series of things just by being afraid to tell people no: Oh, yeah I can do that. Sure, I’ll figure it out. Yeah, I’m your one-stop-shop. Don’t get me wrong, I think there’s benefit to being a jack of all trades and being well-rounded. This is a favorite quote of mine: A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a ...
Impossible Hustle
If you want to learn about pushing your limits and building a life of freedom through business, you need to read these articles.
How to Find a Mentor: The 3,200 Year Old Proven Strategy To Supercharge Your Life
Preface from Joel: It's very rare that I ever do guest posts here on Impossible, but this one is particularly important to me. I think mentorships & apprenticeships are the best ways to supercharge your results in business & life and it's what got me started doing what I'm doing. In 2010, after I got laid off at UPS, I took an entry-level job at a tiny marketing firm in Indianapolis. I made barely any money, but I took the gig because it was a ...
Why I’m Going to be Talking More About Business
Every Friday for the next quarter, I will be posting a business related blog post. The word “business” is a bit formal for me, so I’m going to be using the word “hustle” instead. There’s 3 main reasons why: The #1 Way To Freedom is Business If you want to get your own freedom, the best way to do it is to build your own business. The best way to think about this is that by building an asset, you provide cash flow for the things you want. This is ...
The Salamander Principle
In Barcelona, there’s a beautiful park called Parc Guell. Inside the park is a special “monument area” - full of amazing mosaic tiles and designs. One of the most prominent ones is of a gecko or a “salamandra” as the locals call it. It’s definitely beautiful and many people take a photo of it, but you’d probably forget about it as soon as you leave... ...that is, until you walk outside: Salamanders ...
Writer’s Freedom
A lot of people talk about writer’s block. The idea that you either can’t come up with something to write or don’t know what to write about. I’ll cut to the chase on this topic - I think it’s bull. Most people don’t have writer’s block. They have writer’s fear. They’re scared to produce. They’re scared to create. But most of all, they’re scared to get judged. Seth points out most people don’t get “talker’s block.” It just doesn’t happen. So how do ...
The Wolverine Principle: What Hugh Jackman Can Teach You About Doing Great Work
In 2000, a short 15 years ago, the epic movie that likely initiated the current flurry of new superhero blockbuster movies every other weekend, was released. Yup, the original X-Men movie came out. 15 Years ago. There's been a trilogy, a few Wolverine spinoffs and a "new class", and throughout all the films, Hugh Jackman has been the constant character as Wolverine. He is the ONLY actor to be in all seven movies, and he's rumored to be in the next ...
What Elon Musk Can Teach You About Doing The Impossible
If you missed it, Elon Musk did an awesome AMA on Reddit the other day. Oh, and he just announced that he’s going to build a test drive for his entirely new made up form of transportation called the hyper loop. http://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/555803747792609280 I love Elon, not only because MARVEL decided to base the Tony Stark movie iteration off of him (billionaire, genius, playboy philanthropist), but because he is constantly thinking big. Not ...
How I Wrote 2 E-Books in 1 Week
How I Wrote Two E-Books in One Week I love gamifying life. Whether it's through something like The Atlantic Challenge, Adventure Roulette, or Karol’s 48-hour e-book challenge, coming up with mini challenges and games makes achieving new things a lot more fun. This past week, I decided to see if I could reach an arbitrary goal of writing two e-books in a week. I set the goal & sure enough - went ahead and did it. Here's how. I Got up Early I ...
The Atlantic Challenge
Every now and then I like to make up games. While they're similar to Dan's "parlour games", these games are life and business games. Instead of thought exercises, they're doing exercises. Want to be more productive? Try Workstation Popcorn. Want to get uncomfortable? Try Cold Shower Therapy. Want more adventure? Try Adventure Roulette. As well as being fun, games make life more interesting, and serve as challenges with which to test ...
How To Triple Your Startup’s Organic Traffic with Zero Link Building – A Case Study
As a piece of our business at Impossible X, we regularly work with clients and startups to scale their business efforts exponentially as well as our other projects in-house. I haven't written a lot about our work on the blog, but today I wanted to share with you a success story - how we tripled the organic traffic of a Chicago-area TechStars company in just over six months. Note: The date range from this specific case study is from April 2013 to ...