Every month Every once in a while, I take a look back at what I’ve done, what impossible goals I’ve accomplished, and what types of impossible things are on the horizon. It’ been a great way for me to constantly encourage myself to keep going and do new things. If you’re new, or just haven’t read in a while, you can get a quick recap here.
Here at BIT
I started out August by knocking out the Tri Indy race. I talked about the Power of Why inspired by a graphic from Matt Gartland’s Fearless Helath [which Lifehacker promptly stole – it’s okay, I’ll forgive them]. I raved about adventure races, and compiled 25 inspiring impossible quotes [that later went on to catch fire on Stumble Upon]. I also wrote one of the hardest posts I’ve had to write here when I talked about how to keep going [even when you don’t feel like it] and revealed the best part of your favorite blog that you’ve probably never read [here’s a clue]. In the days leading up to the the Chicago Triathlon, I shot a video about just because you haven’t done something, doesn’t mean you can’t do it. Then I went out and actually did the Chicago Triathlon [even though it wasn’t timed].
September started out with two friends launching their first ebooks. I also talked about the difference between intention & direction and why the difference is so important. I headed out to London and shot a video revealing my favorite way to travel [and gave away some video postcards while I was at it]. I discovered the quick way to kill your creativity, and I finally ended the traveler vs. tourist debate. I also summoned some physics and applied the vaccum theory to business & life, introduced a yes policy here at BIT, and had an awesome meetup for the Unconventional Book tour and introduced a secret mission book giveaway [which, you still have a day to get in on].
Around The Web
In addition to writing almost 20 posts here at BIT, I was busy around the interwebs as well!
I talked about the past of least resistance on BakerTheBrand’s blog, and let everyone at Think Traffic in on the secret of how I double my blog comments every single time [at the time of this post, it has 111 comments – so I guess it works!]. I also shared on Nerd Fitness some lessons I learned from Chuck on how to upgrade your life [one of my favorite shows on one of my favorite blogs] and was interviewed by Matt Madeiro of Three New Leaves.
Goals I Accomplished [and a few I still haven’t]
In the past 2 months, I knocked out a sprint triathlon, an olympic triathlon and a 10k [more coming on this on tuesday]. I was fortunate to be able to sponsor a few more Kiva entrepreneurs.
I took a big exercise break in September from running. I still haven’t finished the 100 pushups/200 squats routine. I was on schedule for a bit, but I got sidetracked when I went to London and due to me being dumb [I didn’t realize the # of sets increased in weeks 5& 6 increase from 5 to 8! I’ve been stuck on week #5 for the past 2 weeks. This is coming [along with video proof for Alan Perlman]
What’s Next
I got a half-marathon coming up in November. I’m somewhat terrified of it, but I’m already registered for it, so there’s no way I’m backing out now. It’s starting to get cold quickly up here, so while I’m going to be able to run still, I’m not sure how many races will be put on so I’m focused on planning out my training schedule for the next year and looking at what I’m thinking of doing [possible marathons & half-ironmans in the future] is somewhat terrifying and at the same time, incredibly exciting.
I’ve also got an email series that will be ready next week [it’s long overdue] and a few other projects in stealth mode that you’ll hear about as they come into focus.
What About You?
As much as I love talking about me, I love to hear what you guys are up to. As always, if you’re up to something impossible, let me know, either in the comments, an email or on facebook. If I can help out with it, I’d love see what I can do.
As always, if you feel like anything on the site is useful or encouraging to you, pass it on using facebook, twitter, stumbleupon or your favorite social network. It means a lot :).
[Photo by Claudio_AR]
Timothy Morris says
Wow you have been busy. I am excited for you and all that has happened. I love when I am at the spot you are at right now. I always feel free from pushing the limits and get nervously excited about everything that is coming.
For that reason I am excited for you. Well done in working hard. It must feel so good to mark off some of those items on your “impossible list”.
Keep going man. I can not wait to meet up with you sometime soon. Well done!
Joel Runyon says
Thanks for the kind words & encouragement Tim. I appreciate it.
Sadie Glass says
you should come to The Hilly Hundred next weekend here in Bloomington, 2 days of cycling 50 miles each day and it is HILLY! This is where I’ll be, extremely unprepared though…
Joel Runyon says
that actually sounds really cool. lets talk.
Hugh says
Joel I’m kind of a new guy on your blog and I must say it rocks. Looking at this post, you’ve done a ton in the past couple of months that is inspiring to a guy like me just starting out in the blogosphere.
To comment on running, if you can run a 10K, you can run a half marathon and a marathon. Sounds silly, but it’s just a matter of putting in the miles; it’s not complicated. When I began running a year ago, I labored through a 5-miler. Now I’m running marathons by myself just for fun and loving every step. Just one foot in front of the other, right?!
Joel Runyon says
Hey Hugh, Thanks for hanging out here! I’ve gotten to the point in running where it’s all mostly mental. I actually almost signed up for a marathon earlier than this, but I don’t just want to finish, I’d like to do ‘well’ [i.e. finishing & not having walkers beat me :)] haha. I’m excited for the next big races coming up. Stay tuned!
Dom says
hi Joel,
Just run 2.5 miles as I didn’t have time to go to the gym today, and I thought of one of your earlier blogs about doing 2 miles as your minimum daily exercise.
Hope you had a good time in London, I had a great time in Edinburgh and the highlands.
Good luck with your half marathon. One of my fitness clients did a half marathon (the Great North Run) a few weeks ago, his first. And another client of mine has done 2 marathons now (the full 26 miles!)having struggled to run 5K when I started with him.
Joel Runyon says
Cool Dom! You’re right. The Screw It & Do It article was all about that – http://www.impossiblehq.com/screw-it-do-it
London was great. Too bad we couldn’t meetup. Maybe next time!