Style Guidelines
Table of Contents
IMPOSSIBLE is an international brand with a strong identity. We therefore ask that whenever you use or refer to the IMPOSSIBLE brand, you follow the style guidelines outlined below. Thank you for your cooperation.
Brand Overview
IMPOSSIBLE is a brand that aims to get people to push beyond their limits and to do the impossible. It is not for everyone; it is for people who are prepared to live on the edge of what’s possible because they know that it’s at the edges of the impossible that the great stories take place.
IMPOSSIBLE does not tolerate excuses. It does not sugarcoat the truth. It is not about motivation. It is about taking action, particularly in the areas of fitness, business, and gritness.
Fitness: When you learn to train your body, you learn to train your mind.
Business: Creating your own business in the fastest way to creating freedom for yourself.
Gritness: To do the impossible you need a strong mental outlook and to be comfortable with being uncomfortable.
Names and Tagline
IMPOSSIBLE may be used as shorthand to refer to all Impossible Ventures initiatives. IMPOSSIBLE should always be capitalized.
Impossible Ventures is the umbrella company which manages:
- Impossible Gear
- Impossible FM
- Impossible Fitness
- Impossible Island
- Impossible Adventures
- Impossible Travel
- Impossible Agency
The IMPOSSIBLE tagline is “Push your limits / Do something impossible”.
(Click each thumbnail to view and save the full-sized logo.)
The IMPOSSIBLE font is League Gothic which can be downloaded for free here.
Main color 1: Black / RGBA: 000000ff / HEX: #000000
Main color 2: White / RGBA: ffffffff / HEX: #ffffff
Secondary color 1: Grey / RGBA: 999999ff / HEX: #999999
Secondary color 2: Blue / RGBA: 0d2856ff / HEX: #0D2856
Please use the following color combinations:
White background: Black, grey, or blue text
Black background: White text
Grey background: Black or white text
Blue background: White text
When white text is used on anything other than a black background, it should have a black outline.
In 2009 Joel Runyon was tired of being unemployed, so he decided to start living a life worth writing about by doing the things on his Impossible List. He created IMPOSSIBLE as a place for people to push their limits and do something impossible. Joel also runs all of the Impossible Ventures projects and the Ultimate Paleo Guide. Follow Joel on Twitter and Google+ and start doing the impossible here.
Bio photo:
Impossible Gear:
For more photos, see Joel’s Flickr albums.
If you have any questions about the use of the IMPOSSIBLE brand or the guidelines presented above, please contact us using the contact form below.
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