Cam Hanes has a saying “Nobody Cares. Work Harder.”
When you set out to do something impossible, there’s a thing that happens whenever a challenge is sufficiently difficult.
Your subconscious rises up to try to fight and keep you in stasis – to push you back to comfort and back to your old, safer ways.
You’ll hear a lot of people talk about haters. This is typically before they ever start. When you haven’t started anything – other people’s expectations are the main hurdle you have to overcome.
But, when you’re deep in the suck, the worst voice in the world is the one in your own head.
It whispers when you’re weak.
- “You know I’m pretty tired.”
- “Actually, I was up late last night.’
- “I could just cut this a few miles short.”
- “I’m bored -let me do something different.”
- “This isn’t as good as I could do – maybe no one will notice.”
In a hilarious moment of weakness, you might find yourself saying these things out loud – to no one in particular – like you’re rationalizing this to someone else entirely.
But you’re not talking to anyone at all.
You’re just trying to convince yourself to become soft.
So when that voice shows up – there’s only one response that’s appropriate for the moment.
Punch it in the face and push harder.
Nobody Cares. Work Harder.
Cameron Hanes
Because if you don’t. It will stay there. Following you around. Giving you the chance to pull a punch. To take it easy. To give yourself an out. To quit.
Don’t let that happen.
When you find that voice creep up – remember:
Nobody else cares about that those excuses – so stop convincing yourself that you do.
You’re better than that voice is pretending to be. So start acting like it.
When you’re tempted to complain out loud to nobody but yourself.
Remember – nobody cares. Work harder.
Because it always seems impossible until it’s done.
p.s. If you need motivation to keep pushing, put this song on – it will help.
You might see me with my hoody up, I ain’t leaving ’til I finish
– NF, Grindin’
This industry ain’t nothing but a box, but I ain’t gon’ climb in it
You put me inside a room full of rappers, come back in 5 minutes
I’mma be the only one still alive, with a note on my chest saying that, “I did it”
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