I just got back from 10 days in the Seychelles on a round trip flight to the other side of the world for less than $500.
It was the first pure fun trip I’ve gone on in a while and one of the best in recent memory (although it was exactly 12 time zones away and has left me quite thrown off as far as time zones are concerned).
However, the beaches and the water made up for that (as you can see below).
As a sidenote, if you’re not following me on instagram, you should be (click here)
As I was talking with my editor before taking off for the trip, he mentioned to me:
“I want to know how you do that”
So in this blog post. I will detail exactly how I did it.
And it’s a lot easier than you think.
The Backstory
I was back in Chicago on Christmas day and while cruising Twitter I came across a deal for some ridiculous fares to Abu Dhabi, Hong Kong, Johannesburg, Mumbai, Seychelles and more on Etihad Airways.
You can see all the details in this post on The Flight Deal
I immediately freaked out and booked a trip to Abu Dhabi with my brother in September. I started looking at other fares and saw they were disappearing quickly (Hong Kong was already gone) and saw one to Seychelles.
I saw beach photos next to the location name and booked a couple tickets there with my best friend.
After catching my breath, I took a look around and posted on a couple places like Twitter & Facebook to share the love.
What Most People Do
What happened next could have been a class in human psychology.
Ask anyone what they would like to do more of and “travel” is most likely in their top 5.
Ask those same people what their #1 reason for not doing it more and they’ll most likely say “money” (followed up quickly by “time”).
Since this deal had to do with travel and the fares were incredible inexpensive ($200-$500 tops), I figured everybody would jump in.
Instead, I got a ton of questions:
- How long is it available for? (Not long)
- Should I Check With The Airline? (No)
- Where is The Best Deal? (click the link I posted)
- Where should I go (doesn’t matter)
- Let Me Check With My Friends First (go alone)
- Where is Seychelles? (I had no idea).
Of course, a few people simply took action.
One booked a trip to Mumbai. Another to Jo-burg, but my favorite was my buddy Alvin who called me up and tried to get me to book a ticket for him (while texting me his passport and other details) because he was en-route to Brazil and the deals weren’t showing up on his phone.
His quote to me exactly was:
I don’t care where it is. If it’s less than $500 and sometime in February or March – just book it.
He didn’t care, he just wanted to go an an adventure (definitely in the spirit of adventure roulette).
Adventure was out there and he was going to find it, even if he had to get someone else to book the ticket for him.
However, the majority of people I talked to took the opposite approach & asked questions first.
Of all the people that asked the in-depth detailed questions, no one booked a ticket.
It’s the same thing that happens with bungee jumping. The only people who don’t jump are the ones who constantly look over the edge and worry about what happens.
With most adventures in life, you won’t get all the information you want until after you decide to jump.
The Rules I Used While Booking The Flight
When getting ready to book the flight, I already knew a few things:
- All airlines offer refunds for up to 24 hours. If I really didn’t want to go on the trip, I could at least purchase the ticket now and decide the next day that I didn’t want to go.
- The DOT requires any airline that actually issues a ticket that touches US soil to honor it. As long as the fare went through & the card was charged, they have to honor the flight.
So, in my mind, the potential outcomes worked something like this:
Worst case scenario:
I buy the ticket and it’s cancelled.
Better case scenario:
I buy the ticket, the airline refuses to honor it and there’s a big social media uproar / pr nightmare for the airline.
Best case scenario:
I get to hang out in Seychelles for 10 days for a couple hundred bucks.
Now admittedly, some people are better trip planners than I am. Since I knew I was low on time and that this deal could expire at any time, my pre-trip planning involved:
1) Seeing the Deal
2) Booking the Deal
3) Googling “where is seychelles”
(For the record: it’s in the middle of the indian ocean off the coast of Africa if you’re curious).
Now, I could have spent a lot of time asking the same questions that everyone else did, but one value decision that I’ve made in my life is to adventure for the sake of adventure. Get out and explore to see new things.
You might say “that’s unrealistic” for most people. Well, you don’t have to be most people. 🙂
I decided a long time ago that I’m going to say yes to opportunities when they show up and the the number one thing you have to do in order to have more adventure is to say “yes” when the opportunity knocks.
And it’s knocking all the time.
Sure, sometimes you have to do stuff solo – people say no – or have to back out – but in that case, you get to still go on an amazing adventure and meet some friends along the way (who are also conveniently into adventuring – since they’re already there). You get an amazing story and you start to become more likely to do it more in the future.
If you want to adventure more, say yes when it knocks.
More Opportunities For Adventure
While this specific opportunity is over, if you’re looking for more opportunities for adventure, they’re available all the time.
Nathan just posted one this morning:
If you live in Europe this flight deal is amazing (and probably won't be around for much longer): http://t.co/BNQTsXjHtR
— Nathan Barry (@nathanbarry) February 11, 2015
If you want consistent deals on great adventures, check out the following links. They should help:
Footnote: I realize that booking a last minute trip to literally halfway across the world is not for everyone, but if you need to take baby steps into this arena, consider a weekend adventure roulette. It might be the first little trip you need to break yourself in.
Tom says
“With most adventures in life, you don’t get all the information you want until you decide to jump.”
Keep preaching it Joel. The world needs a thousand Joel Runyons.
To me it’s not about the Seychelles, or even travel. It’s about frequent affirmations that you and your life really are more than the circumstances into which you happen to have been born. People get so wrapped up in the logistics then when an uber-travel-hack comes along they look for 99 reasons to absolve themselves from breaking out a bit.
Well the travel is great too.
‘Argue for your limitations and you get to keep them.’ These ideas are as old as the hills, and still most people–in every generation–let restraint masquerade as the voice of reason, until we die.
Alright time to play buckhunt alone apparently.
Evan Brand says
I’ve been keeping up with your pics on Instagram. That’s so cool man! I didn’t even know that that island existed.. I thought Madagascar was it over there.
Cheers to keeping it real. If I liked flying more I may do that!
Maik says
Great article Joel!
It’s actually quite funny because the Seychelles is one of my dream destinations to go to and you didn’t even know where it was 🙂
I have 2 more questions:
1. How hard was it to find (cheap) accomodation there?
2. The websites/twitter accounts on getting cheap fares you give in your article are great but I live in Europe so it’s not much use to me. Do you have any tips for people from Europe?
Keep up the good work!
Joel Runyon says
1. Depends on where you are. You can do 50-100/night pretty easily. You can do way more and villa it up if you want. You’re not going to find $20 places like you would in South America, but it doesn’t have to be crazy pricey. It is a primarily tourist destination so the prices do reflect that.
2. The flight deal does pull in some Europe fares. The one mentioned today had LHR to US business class for less than $70! You just have to keep an eye out.
EngineerSuccess says
Your pics look amazing Joel. Me and my partner are considering seychelles for our honey moon. I will be on the look out for deals!
Chris Schinke says
Great article, I absolutely love it! Right on!
Tommy says
The guys over at Abroaders.com always talk about great world deals in their podcast. Plus ways to travel for cheap using CC miles.
Great resource to discover hidden gems…
Lexie says
Awesome post! If you sent me those flight deals then I definitely would have booked some. Looks like I need more friends like you around, hahaha 🙂
If you find more deals, let me know? 😀
Logan Marshall says
Hey Joel, I was following your pics during the trip and was super jealous. The Seychelles have been a dream destination of mine ever since I stumbled upon the islands while flipping through an old atlas as a kid. I’ll make it there someday! I love your philosophy of pulling the trigger and then figuring things out. I’ve backpacking in South America for the past three years and, much to the dismay of my family and travel companions, my motto has become: “Just go somewhere. Plan nothing.” To me it’s more fun that way and things always seems to work out. Plus, that’s how you get epic stories. Keep adventuring and good luck with 777. I’m rooting for ya!
Joel Gerberich says
Hey Joel,
Just read this last week and found a r/t flight from Ohio to Dallas for under $90 after really researching. Would have never known about these opportunities if you hadn’t written this blog post. Thanks and keep adventuring!
(fellow) Joel
Angelo says
Four days ago I was thinking about doing one thing I always wanted to do: take the plane and go adventuring for one day and get back the next day (as I’m a waiter in the meantime). I said it to my best friend and two days before we were booking a 58€ return ticket for a day in Copenaghen (we live in Italy), we’ll get back the next day. And now I’m reading this article that pump myself! Thanks Joel! Go adventuring through the world!
Bea Adventurous says
This is a brilliant story, I love how your friend was determined to get the flight ticket and didn’t care where to haha!
Thanks for sharing, loving the saying yes to adventures theme!