Most things aren't impossible, most people just give up too soon. The number one reason people don't get what they want is because they give up too soon. That's a true stat that I just made up, but I would venture to guess it's not far off. You've probably given up on a lot of things before. You didn't get the first job you wanted - so you gave up. The first business you started working on failed - so you gave up. The first time you went out for a run, ...
When Do You Give Up? Pt. 1
Earlier today I got this tweet from David and he got me started thinking. I actually had a whole different post planned for today, but I think this is a really, really good question that deserves an answer. [blackbirdpie id="28046401471"] For those of you that can't read the embedded tweet, he asked @joelrunyon - question: at what point does one admit, " this thing IS impossible," and give up? And how does one regroup.after failure? I know a lot of ...