A funny thing happened this week. I ran my triathlon saturday, blogged about it & then nothing…
Sunday I didn’t do anything. . Sure it’s an accomplishment of some sorts, but I have this annoying tendency to use the small accomplishments I have to blind myself to my overarching goal.
I get satisfied with the unremarkable & settle for the mundane.
That’s not okay.
Without goals & deadlines, I don’t press on towards goals as much as I would like & I tend to stagnate.
Stagnation sucks.
So here’s the deal. I’m going to make the following moves immediately:
- I’m going to have one roundup a week [probably saturdays] on what I’ve actually done to move forward to triathlons. To keep me on course & accountable. If you don’t want to hear about it, don’t read on saturdays.
- I’m immediately researching & registering for a sprint-distance triathlon. I need to have an immediate goal I’m going after. As soon as I’ve registered. I’ll post it.
- I’m going to try to find a triathlon club in Indy. If you know of one, let me know. I’m going to need some extra help along the way.
What helps you take that next step & keep on moving towards the impossible?
[…] I need something to keep me on track & moving forward & pushing on or else I stagnate. […]