Note: I was introduced to this idea somewhere on Hacker News a few weeks back, though I haven’t been able to find the exact discussion again [1]. I adapted the original concept to fit my own style, and it’s changed the way I approach my work.
Uber Productivity – How To Knock Out More Work Than Ever
There’s no end of productivity hacks out there. I’ve will be covering some of the really important concepts:
- Pareto’s Principle, aka the 80/20 principle
- Parkinson’s Law
- The Pomodoro technique (coming soon)
Now, these “laws” and strategies are all great on a macro scale, but today I want to share a productivity technique that I’ve been using which you can implement tomorrow.
It’s increased my weekly writing output 3x, and has helped me get way more done than normal in just a few short weeks. I’m tentatively calling it “workstation popcorn”.
The Big Problem
Table of Contents
If you work for yourself or from home, you’re probably familiar with “fake work” – work where you’re not really doing anything. If you have a day job, a lot of the crap that your boss sends your way may feel like this too – work for work’s sake.
However, if you’re an entrepreneur, it can be even worse.
You find yourself spending hours at your computer, dutifully “working” but getting very little done. You finish each day with the dreaded feeling that you’re behind, and that you’re only falling farther and farther behind. You’re buried below an ever-growing to-do list. There’s a feeling of dread that tomorrow is coming, and that it’s bringing with it even more work that you probably won’t be able to get ahead on.
Meanwhile, deep down, you know you’re not being effective 100% of the time. You know you’re secretly wasting time browsing Facebook and Reddit, answering email, and doing stuff that simply doesn’t move the needle in your business. You spend hours at your computer, making almost no progress on the stuff that needs to get done, yet feeling like you’re working longer hours than ever.
How do you fix that? How do you become more productive, focus more, and get more stuff done in less time?
The answer: workplace popcorn.
Here’s how it works:
Workplace Popcorn
Create A List Of Things To Do Today
List out everything you need to do today. Try to be as specific as you can. Ensure that each item on your list is a clear action rather than a vague intention.
By the end of the day, you want to be able to look back at each item on your list and say, “Yes, I did it,” or “No, I didn’t do it”. If you’re not quite sure if you’d be able to say yes or no at the end of the day, I’ll save you some time: you’re not being specific enough.
Here are some examples of tasks that you could and could not add to your list:
- Get some stuff done.
- Make some progress on Impossible Fitness.
- Get started on blog posts.
All of these tasks suck. You wouldn’t be able to look back at the end of the day and say, “Yes, I did that,” or “No, I didn’t do that.”
Here’s what you should do instead:
- Write a post of at least 800 words about my new productivity technique, and send it to Joanna.
- Write a complete guide to creating your Impossible List (at least 2,000 words), and send it to Joanna for editing.
- Write a mini guide on the FPC Protocol (upcoming).
I can cross off and either say “yes” or “no” to every single one of these tasks.
A great tool for this part of the technique which I use for my daily tasks list is Of course you can simply take this offline and use a notebook. That works just as well.
Break That List Up Into Three Equal Sections
Next, break that list into three sections. These sections should be equal in terms of how much time they’re likely to take to complete. If you’re not sure how long a task will take, guess. It’s okay – you don’t have to get it spot on.
Group #1
- Task 1 (1 hour)
- Task 2 (45 minutes)
- Task 3 (45 minutes)
- Total time: 2 hours, 30 minutes
Group #2
- Task 1 (1 hour)
- Task 2 (30 minutes)
- Task 3 (1 hour)
- Total time: 2 hours, 30 minutes
Group #3
- Task 1 (30 minutes)
- Task 2 (45 minutes)
- Task 3 (45 minutes)
- Total time: 2 hours
Find Three Locations To Work From
Whenever I move to a new city, the first thing I do is hunt down all the good coffee shops.
I now have a few favorites that I hole up at to get work done. They were picked based on the following criteria:
- Good coffee
- Space to work
- Outlet availability and WiFi
The chances are that, if you’re in a similar sized city, you’ve got quite a few shops to choose from.
Take your time. Check out Yelp, Google maps, and Urbanspoon, or just walk around and find new spots, whatever. Find at least three different locations to work from that are outside your house.
You can find more locations later but, for now, start with three.
Please note: “Working from home” is the least desirable option here. If you do “work from home”, select a space in your home as your “work area”. Use this space for work only. Resist the urge to work from your bed or couch. It’s comfortable and tempting but you will get approximately zero work done there.
Take Action
Now you’ve done all the lead work already, this part will be pretty simple. Here’s the full two-step process:
Step 1: Go to cafe #1.
Step 2: Start working on action item group #1.
Important: Only focus on the items in action item group #1. In fact, try to forget about the other items on your list. You want to laser in on the action items for this list and nothing else.
Once you finish all the tasks in group #1, get up and move. Close your tabs, pack your bags, and physically move your butt to your next spot. If you can, walk or bike to your next stop. Avoid driving if you can. The physical activity is important.
Use this time to practice your zen, take a break from your screen, and get some movement into your day. Keep your phone in your pocket, and move. Take a break away from work for at least thirty minutes. Whatever you do, don’t go back to the same place you just left.
Biznass Class Option [2] – Switch up your iPod while you’re walking and jam out to a podcast on 1.5x speed. Here’s a good one. 🙂
When you get to the next cafe, start on the next action item group, and repeat.
Do this until everything on your list is done.
When you’ve completed everything on your to-do list for the day, you are done working. Relax, kick back, and live your life. Don’t take work home with you because that won’t help you get more done – it will just wear you out.
My Experience
Ever since I stumbled on this idea, I’ve been tweaking it a bit to fit my needs, and I’ve seen an immediate spike in my productivity levels. Here’s what’s happened.
A Few Intentional (and Unintended) Consequences
I Work Fewer Hours
I found that, as well as getting more stuff done, I was also working less time. Instead of working out of a home office, and “always being on”, I’ve been able to get more done and actually finish my work earlier. I’ve also been able to stop bringing work home.
I Get More Done
Okay, so this wasn’t an unintended consequence (it was actually the aim) but, using this system, I’ve gone from writing one to two blog posts a week and getting some other non-important stuff done to writing over six posts a week and getting ahead of the curve on most of my projects.
I Explore More Places
When you have to go to three new places each day, you tend to find yourself roaming all over the city, finding new spots that you wouldn’t normally get to if you stuck to one or two “go-to” spots or if you worked from your home office.
I Sleep Better
This is sort of strange but I’ve found that I’ve actually started sleeping better. Before, I often used to keep myself up at night, wondering whether or not I’d actually done enough for the day and worrying about the stuff I’d have to do the next day. Approaching my day this way has given me a sense of closure at the end of the day, and I’ve been able to relax a little bit. Whenever I start thinking about the stuff I have to do the next day, I just write my ideas down and trust that I’ll knock it out when it’s time to work.
I’ve Don’t Waste Time
With the crazy focus on just three tasks per location, I don’t screw around as much anymore. I force myself to get started as soon as I sit down and I know exactly what I have to do. When I finish my tasks, I get up and leave. I don’t mess around on Facebook, on news sites, or with other time wasters. When I’m “working”, I’m actually working.
I Work Out More
Now that I’m forced to move every two hours or so, I’ve found that I move more overall. As I’ve forced myself to walk or bike everywhere, the default amount of exercise that I get in each week has shot up. Also, since I’ve decided to make myself stop working at certain times each day, I’ve now got much, much more time to actually work out before and after my work day.
I Find That The Hardest Part is Deciding What To Do
If nothing else, this framework has shown me once again that working usually isn’t that hard. Deciding to work is hard. Even worse, deciding what to focus on is hard. The greatest productivity hack in the world is simply deciding what to do. By getting this out of the way of your work flow by doing this at the beginning of the exercise, you leave tons of open space in your work schedule to just get $#*! done.
Custom-Built – How To Make This Your Own
A few things to note:
- Obviously you can choose to do more or fewer tasks at each cafe. The point is to divide the tasks into different categories that take approximately the same amount of time. Three is usually a good number because it, with just three tasks ahead of you, it’s hard to get overwhelmed.
- Email is not an important task. You’re not allowed to put this on your list. It can be “end of day” work that you tack on once your other stuff is finished.
“Work Is the Signal, Email Is the Noise”–@Wired
— Erick Schonfeld (@erickschonfeld) January 22, 2014
- If you need to complete a task which will require a longer period of focused creation time, make a “focus Oreo”. A focus Oreo is made up of two short sessions which bookend a longer focus session. Feel free to play around with this idea to make it suit your needs.
- If you want to be really hardcore, don’t use your computer charger for one of the sessions. Instead of imposing an “outside” restriction on your work that you may or may not follow, you’ll force yourself to finish all your stuff before your computer dies. Good luck.
- This is sort of a macro-level version of the Pomodoro technique, except that, instead of working in 25 minute segments, you’re planning out your entire day. You can combine this with the actual Pomodoro technique for uber-productivity.
- A productivity post wouldn’t be a productivity post without some mention of music for productivity. This could be a whole post on it’s own (and maybe it will be). Typically, I listen to EDM and it usually puts me into a trance. It also has the unfortunate side effect of making me bounce my head back and forth in the middle of a coffee shop, leaving me looking ridiculous. If you’d like to increase your productivity without looking like an idiot, these tools might help:
- focus@will
- Coffitivity
- OmmWriter (This is a writing app with built-in music – it works magic.)
That’s it. Plan out your daily task items, and get stuff done. Try it out and let me know how it works for you!
Update: February 2019
I was in Copenhagen with and they asked me to share this concept with their team. We put together this video to talk through how I typically structure my days as I worked around Copenhagen for a week.
[1] If you’re reading this, random HN commenter, thanks! (Let me know who you are and I’ll credit you properly.)
[2] Biznass Class is an unregistered trademark of TMBA 🙂 (Seriously, you guys should trademark this already.)
Photo credit: Stacy Spensley, Alper Çuğun
Gosia says
Hey Joel! I have been reading ImpossibleHQ for a while and this post is one of my favorites. I have always liked working in cafes (designer) and most quotes from here express my own thoughts and observations. Putting it into the whole system made my day. The part I never thought of is the profit from the activity inbetween, although I also tend to change place in the middle of the day, more from ‘the inside need’. Just one tip that came to my mind – if one of your task group doesn’t require internet, choose the cafe without wifi. I tend to prepare all recources and data I need day before, so I just go to a choosen spot and work on that, without distractors. Thanks for the post! Gosia
pau says
” The greatest productivity hack in the world is simply deciding what to do”
Period. And it’s not an actual hack.
With all due respect, all the rest of this postreminds me of the Family Guy sketch where two guys were typing their great novels on their macbooks in a starbucks, IIRC.
This may be a great for writing blog posts or rants for the local fanzines, but when serious concentration and long time stretches are required (and if you’re into software development this tends to happen), all these suggestions will fail miserably.
Joel Runyon says
I can’t necessarily speak to software development, but I can tell you personally that I’ve done a lot of work that requires in-depth focus using this technique. Don’t write something off until you try it.
HanSean says
Theoretical physicist here. Extreme focus is a must for both cranking out papers and developing new ideas. Can confirm the effectiveness of this approach, most of my best work comes from café hopping.
Most of the time consuming “concentrated” work done in the office is usually like “junk mileage”. I’m only now coming to terms with this realization.
Rad post Joel, thank you for sharing.
pau says
Ehm… confirmed… coffee shops, airports, lounge rooms… yep, again, trying not to sound cocky, working outside a regular workplace was invented far before this article was written
tolan says
Developer here. Ideally you want to be breaking anything you do into as small chunks as possible and committing them individually, preferably with unit tests. Even if 30 min chunks aren’t possible, in my experience it should be possible to break most work into 2 hour chunks.
I’m as guilty of going off on day long sprees when developing new functionalty and having it all come together at the end but it’s not really good practice.
Mehdi says
Very interesting. Thanks!
I found that writing down daily lists really helps, but this takes it to another level. Will try it tomorrow.
Dan says
Wow I’ve actually been doing this for years “cafe hopping” I love the tension creativity between locations.. often I won’t even order upon arriving I’ve got so much to get out…
Joel Runyon says
I actually started testing this in Vietnam funny enough. There were so many good cafes there, I’d sit down for a couple hours, knock out some work and then check out some more. So many cafes to drink & eat at!
Honest says
Hi there,
My Husband sent me your article! Thank you for your thoughts, it is really helpful to me as I realised I am (as you say) ‘fake-working’ most of the time trying to ‘decide what next to do’ which wastes actual working time during the day.
I like the idea of chunking the time slots and I will try this.
Whereas I have some bits to do digitally which I could do out and about, my main concern is that much of my work is pattern cutting and sewing from home where I have a dedicated space set up. Can you suggest how I can break the time up when I need to be in my workspace without distractions?
Thanks very much for your post!
tru says
Until recently I was a remote worker and couldn’t really do this pattern as suggested here due to certain constraints – I don’t live within walking or biking distance of any cafés, let alone 3; three drivers in a one car family; nearly daily need to be on the phone discussing confidential information – so here’s what I did.
1. I put together a tote that had all the things I needed to do my work – it fit my computer, notepads, pens, markers, sketch pads, earbuds, spare batteries, power cords for phone, computer, etc., mouse.
2. Staked out a couple of places in and around the house where I could work – I found that the patio was a really great place and had the added bonus of getting to see all kinds of wildlife. The patio was great for concentrating or brainstorming. My office, with an extra monitor was great for doing final products.
3. Work in chunks similar to this article with breaks that did absolutely not include doing home chore. I walked the dogs, read or did some yoga. Our maybe showered if my first bit of work required an early start. I think not doing housework on your breaks is the key. And just go for s walk or do some yoga that counteracts all of the forward leaning that you do.
Martín says
Great post!
Just a couple of question, How many times do you switch coffees shops in one day?
Do you have coffee in all of them?
Joel Runyon says
I move 2-3 times a day. I typically either have coffee, tea or something to eat every place I go.
__sleep says
The reason you sleep better is also probably related to the fact that the amount of physical activity you get is directly related to the quality your sleep.
Source: Association between objectively-measured physical activity and sleep, NHANES 2005–2006
Angry For No Apparent Reason says
This is the dumbest advice I have seen in a real long while. It figures it would come from the cafe techno-hipster crowd.
I’ll give you some workstation popcorn. Do your fucking work. Don’t walk around from one cafe to another. Sit in one fucking place and fucking work until the work is done.
Like most hipster productivity method, this is a method for not working.
Joel Runyon says
I’m not quite a hipster, but you’ll see I mention “do your work” quite a bit in that post. Seems you might have missed that one important piece 🙂
Pixie says
Um, why are you on this website then? That’s really obnoxious.
aj says
This advice seems very close to the FHWW, which I believe evangelize substantially Pareto, Pomodoro and Parkinson’s laws. Have you read it?
CiNiTriQs says
Here, there you have it, just wasted a bunch of productivity time whilst reading tips on productivity. Just an extra tip: reading these articles will NOT improve your productivity. Actually producing, will! 😉
Thanks for the read though. Time well wasted 😀
Dragos says
I think its a great technique, to separate your work per groups and per location. It’s something that I will definitely try. It actually sets artificial deadlines, you know you need to finish in order to move to the next location and keeps you more focused then at home
I’ve also written a small app to keep myself focused. . My suit better for ppl who have a job and need the motivation to work on their personal projects.
It works on the principle that you should do at least 3 important things per day, which makes it a GOOD day and not get sidetracked by multitude of other inputs. Am trying to never have 2 BAD days happen, and my productivity did increase.
It also involves the pomodoro technique of keeping focused on a task at least 25min with 5 min breaks.
Let me know what you think.
Kindest regards,
Angela Wilson Ursery says
An excellent idea. I like the simplicity.
I did a mashup of your approach and Joel’s ideas (apart from the coffee shop tripping), and came up with…Zen Popcorn:
How do you become more productive, focus more, and get more stuff done in less time?
1. Decide what will make the most difference in your life (goals, the world) today.
2. List your desired outcomes, and the tasks you will do today to accomplish each outcome. This is your A List.
3. Write a list of 3 or 4 housekeeping tasks that you want or need to get done today. This is your B List.
4. Write each item as a clear action, so that, at the end of the day you can either say, “Yes, I did it,” or “No, I didn’t do it.”
5. Work until done (at the pace that works best for you) on the A List items.Make sure to be present and take breaks.
6. Complete the B List items after you’re done with the A List.
My thanks to you both!
Dave Delaney says
I love this idea, Joel, especially because you add physical activity in there. I think the walking or cycling between locations is really key to this.
Nashville is a bit of a pickle this way, but I think I have already mapped out a way to do it here. For those reading who are in Music City, I suggest you do the following.
Begin at JJ Muggs, walk up 21st to Starbucks, continue up 21st to Fido.
Thanks for the inspiration!
Pranaya says
Joel, great tips and great approach. I am in NYC and would like to start trying this out – I usually have been spending long stretch of hours at the NYPL on 34th which is rather monotonous.
One thing that has helped in knocking tasks out is being very specific about the task and actually scribbling out the process to get it done.
Eurobubba says
I like it, and I might well try it once or twice a week, but working that way every day would add another $300+ per month for coffee and muffins to my budget. Plus, I really miss my big display when I’m away from my home office….
Charles says
Really interesting idea, but seems to missing a crucial part of anyone’s day – dealing with firedrills, or simply the unplanned.
Your servers go down, your client’s hair is on fire, your boss suddenly has ASAP task, etc. While it’s necessary to push back sometimes, I don’t think it’s practical to advise that people always push these out because sometimes you need to deal with it.
So how do you personally recover from these with this technique? You had your 9 tasks or whatever you wanted to achieve, but the urgent (and important) task just took 2 hours of your day.
Chase says
Very glad that I booked-marked this other night before bed.
Just read it now and looking forward to step 1 – the lists. Mine have always been vague enough for me to finds the holes for way out. Sometimes the same list will even sit on my desk for a week… :/.
Thanks for sharing, looking forward to reading more!
Alex says
Hi Joel – Great post! Sound strategy. Funny enough I just posted something like this – specifically to SF (… Gave you a h/t, I love the remote work life.
Jon Watkins says
I always wonder how the logistics work with this coffee shop working. With all that coffee drinking, I’d be permanently going to the toilet. Do you just leave all your stuff? I’d be paranoid someone would run off with my laptop / iPad etc. Do you just chance it? Has this ever happened?
Joel Runyon says
The benefit of going to a few shops regularly is that you get to know the people that work there.
Typically I grab my phone & wallet & ask the barista to watch my things. If I’m uncomfortable there, then I usually take a break while heading to the next shop. You can pack your stuff up & bring it with you to the bathroom, but I think that’s a bit overkill in most the places I’ve been.
Curtis says
Agreed with Joel that this is easier to deal with at some place where you are a regular, but the barista’s got his/her hands full, probably, so I’d be hesitant to ask them to watch my crap.
It might be overkill, but I do drag my laptop with me if I need the restroom. I leave my jacket & coffee cup at the table, close laptop lid and take it with, and I’m back in 60 seconds.
Also putting in a plug here for your local public library as an option for one of these sessions, when you need a break from buying/ingesting caffeine.
Cecilia says
Oh, I love this idea. It feeds the part of me that longs for a little adventure as well as getting things done. My whiny Canadian is longing for the spring so I can ride my bike, but walking will work too. Will definitely try this on Monday.
Alex says
Great article, I’m in the process of starting a new company and have been testing different productivity techniques. Looking forward to trying this tomorrow.
I wrote myself a quick little iPhone to-do list app as a fun side project, and it actually looks like it could be adapted quite well for the workstation popcorn technique. Feel free to take a look on the app store: .
Alex says
Sorry, the link should be: ToDay List – Tasks and To-Dos
DHC says
Love this … now just need to find time to read it in full. A problem I suspect I won’t have so much AFTER I read it. Thanks!
Brianne says
Just gave this a shot today. I’ve been doing the “doable lists” of tasks for awhile and found that to really help, but didn’t realize how much time I still wasted being at home all day. Found this to be a great change of pace which kept me more focused and energized. And I like the idea of getting home and being done with work. That separation really helps.
And for those on a budget concerned about buying all that coffee – I made one of my stops my local public library (which I’ve never stepped foot in before haha!) Free wifi, no purchase require, quiet, and I checked out a free movie as a reward to watch when I got home 😉
Thomas Eichberger says
An add-on could be to go for a special kind of work (like writing a book) to a special place so that there is a 1:1 connection between that place and that kind of work. Then the mind learns what is is expected to there at that place. Like using one’s bed only for sleeping and having sex.
But only for a few, very special kind of works.
Thomas Eichberger says
sorry, should have said first that I liked your article very much 🙂
K Jasmer Nelson says
Excellent! Thank you!
Joshua Irish says
As someone who writes constantly this seems like a fantastic idea. I recently had to re-locate for my day job to Louisville and this seems like a great way to see more of the city while also working on my site. Also kudos for OmmWriter, that thing is TASTY good! Thanks for the awesome post and I’ll definitely be coming back!
Ilhan says
What do you do if you have to go to the bathroom in the middle of the session? Pack your stuff up and take it with you?
I drink a lot of water so have to take regular breaks, but I can’t leave my stuff lying around the table unattended.
9 out of 10 times this might go well, but that 1 time really breaks it.
(I am just asking this out of curiosity. The method sounds great and I am going to try it.)
Curtis says
Echoing a comment I made above: I do take laptop/headphones with me to the restroom, leaving my coat and/or empty backpack at the table to indicate that someone is still there.
More specifically, I close the laptop and slide it into a padded sleeve, which I hold tucked under one arm while I, ahem, do what I need to do. Risky, maybe, but less risky than leaving it unattended back at the table.
And, actually, this sort of forces me to minimize whatever other junk I’d have spread out on the table. Laptop, headphones—that’s it.
Steve Wyman says
Spot on.
Where I live I have only two coffee shops in driving distance. So tend to do “work” at home as well.
When I’m in abroad (Thailand and Jordan this year) I use this exact idea. Although it can be 4-5 cafés the first week in a new place.
Great blog
Alyona says
Great post! Thanks for sharing. Going to try out your method 🙂
Julie Landrieu says
Hi Joel,
Thank you for your great article. I have been a freelancer for some years now and spontaneously had several coffee spots to go to. Now just starting out as a digital nomad, it’s like I forgot all those methods. By reading this, it all pops back into place.
Steffen says
a surprisingly inspiring article. i will try a similar approach in the future.
“I can cross off and either say “yes” or “no” to every single one of these tasks.” a great tipp you gave there. i found even goals where i do not exactly know when they are completed.
Scott Bradshaw says
This could have some interesting merit, and is definitely worth a try. There is, to my mind, a psychological component to it – I would really enjoy the change of scenario several times per day. I get so ‘stir crazy’ working at the same place (in my house) every day, and I think I’d look forward to getting out. I might even select more than two or three coffee shops, and use the variety to go to different ones on different days.
For me, this won’t work all the time, as part of my job entails talking on the phone, but I might try blocking out so many days per week and give this a shot. Thanks for the idea!!
BTW – I’m new to your blog, but so far, I really like what I am seeing. Again thanks!
Chris J. says
It’s good to read stories of people enjoying working out of the office.
For security reasons, I rarely use a coffee shop’s wifi though especially when I’m working on some confidential data. I “bring” my own internet and use my phone when I have to talk with my team mates.
Overall, this article truly rocks and gives everyone an overview of how it feels like when working remotely. Some part might not suit everyone but I’m sure they can somehow “tailor” what will work for them 🙂
Bo Percival says
This is so simple and such an awesome idea. As someone who’s had a cafe office for the last few years this is totally going to become my new approach what a great way to keep things fresh and keep me focused.
You have a new subscriber here!
Thanks for the great post.
Kelsey says
I love this!!! I have been working in 90 minute chunks and it has changed my life. I happen to write about this today too:
Zack says
I would add The Hype Machine to the music options bullet points. And if you’re not yet familiar, I would highly recommend checking it out!
Andrew Cox says
You were mentioned two weeks running on the startups for the rest of us podcast. Here is Rob Walling describing how he used your approach on his yearly bootstrapped business planning retreat:
I am a cafe user but I have tended to table squat until now. I am going to try your approach tomorrow out in Littlehampton: a seaside town that is totally new to me.
Sean says
Great post!! I am really liking this idea, yeah like some others have said its similar to THWW but any king of info related to it in someway, is always worth taking on board.
This is something I am really going to take to the extreme when I am travelling and working from my laptop…. Fitness, food, coffee, new scenery, new people and a crazy amount of work done all in one day.
No room to let procrastination sneak in!
James Schipper says
We’re going to start doing this tomorrow in Penang Malaysia. I go stir crazy looking at the same walls, and I can see a lot of the benefits of doing it this way. I’ll let you know how it works out for us.
Jackie says
A twist on this would be to use the high countertops in some coffee shops to stand while you work. There is a lot of research now about the “sitting disease” out now.
John Richardson says
Great post, Joel. I’ve used a similar approach over the years. I usually work from home in the morning on business items and then find a coffee shop in the afternoon to work on my fiction writing. The big problem with this scenario, in my experience, is finding a seat in the different coffee shops, especially one with an outlet. In busy times of the day, I may have to go to two or more places to find an acceptable seating arrangement (ie, not one outside in the cold). When I was on vacation last year, I did three in a day for a few days in a row, to finish up my last book. That was a cool experience, as each was in a different town. I highly recommend the central coast of California for writers. Fantastic coffee establishments.
Lorelyn says
This was just perfect. Just made a status on Facebook about the cause of my nonproductive problem and searched and found your blog.
I have this “nomadic behavior” when it comes to working area. Always get bored and kills my productivity when staying in just one area of our house. Need to set up working areas all over the house.
Working remotely and your tips greatly helped. 😉
Mirabeau says
Is “Coffee Shop Popcorn” a tactic that anyone else practices to get more done?