Most people don’t really quit. They just give up too soon. Most of your BIG goal progress are stunted because you have no idea what it takes to get to your goal. You can see results quickly on some things. Aesthetics for example - despite what common perception - is sometimes the easiest to change in 8-12-26 weeks. But if you want to change who you are as a person, athlete, career-wise or something else fundamental about yourself. You need ...
Archives for January 2022
The 51% Rule
Use this rule the next time you feel like giving up. If you’ve ever done an endurance challenge, race - or even a really tough hike - you’ll find there’s parts where you want to give up. Most people that think “I could never do that” - are more limited by their mindset than their physical capability. Their mental game is what needs work - and part of that is knowing what to expect your brain is going to be saying at different parts throughout the ...