3 months after this spectacular failure.
I’m not always the fastest…but I always finish.
A more in depth post on this whole endeavor (including form critique, why it took me so long, etc) is coming next week, but before I write it, I need to go rest my arms….
orontes says
We’ll done, and after a lot of hard work! I really like the extra few pushups at the end.
You sure turned a pretty color pink/red there as well.
Joel Runyon says
I started out red. Finished at purple 🙂
Wendy Kennedy says
Well done!! I was rooting for you!!
Joel Runyon says
Thanks Wendy
Trevor says
Joel, did you actually breath while doing your push-ups? Your face turns so red or is that just sun burn? Haha
Joel Runyon says
A little bit of both. I started out red. Think I stopped breathing somewhere in there and started to turn purple 🙂
Alan says
Ladies and gentlemen! He did it! AWESOME.
Joel Runyon says
Thank ya sir.
Cat says
Nice work!! I was cheering you on. *high five*
Joel Runyon says
*returns high five*
David William says
Inspired! I need to catch up!
Joel Runyon says
Haha, Get to it! (Only took me 3+ months) =)
Olivier says
Congratulations !!!
Joel Runyon says
Thanks Olivier
kim hinxman says
WOW! I can only do 9! And that’s from a month of practicing! You ROCK!
Joel Runyon says
Thanks Kim 🙂
Kaari Busick says
Yay! Congratulations! Can’t wait to hear the details.
Have an awesome weekend!
Joel Runyon says
You too 🙂
Natalie Sisson says
Woot! Huge congrats. I remember feeling impressed when I could do 40 full pushups, you’ve inspired me to go further.
Please please tell me you’re also doing exercises for your lats to ensure you don’t become one of those people with the extremely tight chests and hunched shoulders! 😉
Next up squats? 500?
Go for it
Joel Runyon says
Haha, I’ve seen those people before. That actually happens because the muscles tighten up & pull your shoulders in. Stretching usually takes care of it. As for the squats, I’ve already done 200 of them! :). Next step, pullups & a different type of pushups. Gotta switch it up a bit
Topher Fangio says
Congratulations man! It sure is inspiring! Oh, and props for the NF shirt. You know, if you submit an image to Steve, you might be his NF rebel of the week 🙂
Joel Runyon says
Haha, I’ll let Steve know.
p.s. I’ll have you know, I *started* the NF rebel of the week photo –> proof) 🙂
Caleb says
In a word: Epic. I knew you’d do it eventually.
Joel Runyon says
Epic seems to be the word of the day :). Thanks Caleb
Elena Patrice says
WOW! Inspiring!! I’m putting on my running shoes NOW! “Not Impossible.” FABULOUS!!!!! Thank you – I needed this!! Whoo hooo!
Joel Runyon says
Awesome Elena. Have a great run. Thanks for the nice words 🙂
Matt says
Congratulations Joel! What an accomplishment. The impossible things you do are such an encouragement and inspiration for myself and I can only assume for others. Keep at it my friend!
Joel Runyon says
Thanks you for being an encouragement to me Matt 🙂
Lee Knowlton says
Epic. Congratulations Joel. You’re awesome.
Joel Runyon says
Thanks Lee 🙂
Bolaji O (like the hotel in Vegas) says
*double high-five + chest bump
(except JR can’t lift both arms, and it ends up being an awkward bear hug…)
Joel Runyon says
Haha – well played
Jelena Milosevic says
110! Bravo!
I did wach all video,great.The best part of, was the look in your eyes when you said:”Not impossible!”
You will make it all!
Joel Runyon says
Thanks Jelena 🙂 You know I couldn’t stop at just 100:)
Jelena Milosevic says
I did expect it,Every time a just little more!For respect,keep going:)
Joel Runyon says
Thanks Jelena 🙂
Todd Schnick says
you are the man….
Joel Runyon says
Thanks Todd 🙂
Katie T. says
I love reading your blog! I’m a lurker for the most part but you should be the blog of inspiring things, not impossible things.
Thanks for making me want to work harder in every aspect of my life.
James says
nice! Me and my girlfriend are heading through the 100 pushup challenge too. She’s already gone from ‘can’t do more than 2 knee pushups in a row’ to 8 regular pushups. I’m from 20 regular pushups up to 50… been kind of fun doing that, since I’ve been doing some screwy diet stuff in the meantime.
Mad props on hitting 100! That’s awesome Joel.
But now… race to you to a set of 5 planches! 1 2 3 GO.
Joel Runyon says
Nice job on the improvement James. I’ve checked out those planches…WOW. Those look intense. I might have to work up to them, but they’d be awesome to do…I’ll keep you posted.
Dom says
Great work – that’s a real feat of muscular endurance.
Here’s another challenge – to maintain the plank position (also known as the bridge) for 5 minutes.
Joel Runyon says
I’ve done the plank for up to 3 minutes. After that, it just begins to get boring. I might start it back up and see how far I get 🙂
Steve says
Amazing. I leave for three days and come back and now there’s a twitter list for steve/joel fight and you’re doing 100 push ups to Kanye while wearing the NF t-shirt.
Awesome. Congrats buddy.
I still hate you, but slightly less so now.
Joel Runyon says
See what happens when you leave the interwebs? 🙂 Thanks Steve. Now on to some handstand pushups 🙂
101 Things Before You Die says
My goal is much less ambitious than yours: to do a pullup. I’ve never been able to do a pull up and have always had really horrible upper body strength. Congrats on 100 push ups!
Joel Runyon says
Little by little. Start on one of the bodyweight pullup machines and work your way up. The key is getting your muscles trained to the movement. Once you’re used to the actual movement, you can increase weight & reps a lot faster :). Good luck!
Benny says
Man I feel exhausted just watching you do those! That’s a great accomplishment for sure.
Justin Hamlin says
I am tired just watching you do that. Me and my scrawny arms. I am working on it, along with my new Vibrams, my calfs and my arms both hate me right now…
Joel Runyon says
Little by little. Follow the guide and you’ll totally be able to do 100 pushups in 6 weeks (or 6 months) in my case 🙂
Nina Yau says
I bow down to you, oh push up master!
Joel Runyon says
bahahaha 🙂 thanks Nina
Dr. Pete says
Nice work! Sorry to comment on an older post, but I just discovered your blog via Johnny B. Truant. I’ve been working on doing 100 push-ups in 2 minutes as part of my Year-42 plan (just turned 41), and I’m up to 100 in 2:07, but in about 4-sets (1 of 50-60 and then a couple of 10-15s). Trying to do it in 1 set (resting in the up position is fine, of course).
Looking forward to seeing what you’ll tackle next.
nate says
Got me fired up with that brother. Man, that is all we do in the military and being a marathoner, I HATE doing them..way to knock em out.
Sergio Felix says
Not Impossible!
Hey dude, LOVED your reps here, I watched the failure video first and then watched this, I’m so happy you absolutely DOMINATED this challenge bro.
I am wondering how many reps are you aiming at now?
I used to to just 30 pushups before taking a shower, did that for like a year or two and now thanks to a carpal tunnel shitty syndrome I have stopped doing those.
Thinking of doing it some other way (with bars maybe) but I couldn’t do 30 reps for shit today, that’s for sure.
Anyway, thanks for posting this out man, really enjoyed watching you blaze through those 100’s.
Joel Runyon says
I’m right at about 50 now. Staying there and working on doing harder pushups. After a while, they just get boring, so you have to switch it up to entertain yourself 🙂
Rickey says
WHAT!?!? You didn’t even get 1 pushup. Not a single one, on the way down, OR up, was to the complete extent that a pushup should be. Chest to deck, and arms to full extension.
You sure have a lot of nice comments on here. What a nice little world where everyone tells you good job for something that isn’t.
Joel Runyon says
I’m sorry you don’t like my free site.
(fwiw: I did address my form in the very next post though. http://www.impossiblehq.com/the-unauthorized-guide-to-one-hundred-pushups)
tpfalconer says
Forget the naysayer. I am very impressed by what you achieved! And so were many other people (several of them athletes/military) who commented on your post, so….
I came across your blog entries because I was looking up various 100-pushup stories online. You see, in a moment of insanity, I bet my boyfriend that I could do 100 pushups by September 1st. Well, what actually happened was I mentioned that it was a goal, he said, “no way!” and I responded with, “You wanna bet?!”
So yeah. Um, right now…I can do 18! LOL! But I am determined, just because he’s so sure I can’t, that I will. (On a side note, it’s a good-natured skepticism. He’s not being insulting or anything).
Anyway, wish me luck! I had already found that 100pushups website and I’m following that schedule. I’ll come back periodically to read your blog and to let you know how I’m progressing.
Thanks for the inspiration!
Rita says
I don’t know how I missed this post but WOW! I was actually cheering for you..”Go Joel Go!!” Wow. That was impressive and inspired! I have to admit..I was a little bit concerned about your head exploding right about 75…but you did it! YAY YOU!
keller says
Lovely performance well done! I could only reach to 75..Lol Ur arms should hurt like shit! Damn! Lol, What was ur motivation I ask?
Joel Runyon says
I just wanted to do it.
Elloa says
Hey Joel,
Well done man! I watched your fail vid just before this – the downward dogs made me laugh out loud on this bus trip home. Sadly my husband would agree that your form wasn’t there but nevertheless you deserve a hige round of applause and could possibly be valid for Guinness book of records for longest time without breathing whilst exercising 😉
Not impossible. What a motto.
I also loved that this this stuff isn’t effortless for you – in showing your humanity, you make the impossible possible in my mind. I’ve already had my first 5 mInute cold shower and am writing my impossible list.
Elloa 🙂
Mitch Villani says
JOEL you are the man. Great job mate! Sorry I’m commenting on an older post but I just happened to be surfing the web and came across your site for the first time. Love it! You have inspired me mate. The most I have done is 115 push ups, however I have had 3 left shoulder reconstructions. I know want to show the world that regardless of my setbacks I can do it again.
Also the doc said I would never be able to do a pull up again, maybe I can prove him wrong and do the impossible!
Thanks again JOEL
Lisa Van Ahn says
I did this! To represent for my sis going over seas and fighting for our freedom.
ps. It goes a lot faster if you speed up your video!
Rock on! L-
Mark Eichenlaub says
I’ve long wanted to do this. Thanks for writing on this and walking us through it. No more excuses for the rest of us!