If you’re an athlete, runner or just trying to not be a terrible runner so you can knock some things off your impossible list this year – we’ve built 3 new resources to help you run faster in 2021.
The team has been working behind the scenes to make these happen, so you might not even have heard about these before – the best part? Most of them are completely free.
Let’s break ‘em down.
New Impossible Fitness Running Programs
As of today, we now have training programs to help you run a 5k, 10k, half marathon, marathon, or your first ultra marathon (50k).
Designed in conjunction with Jason Fitzgerald at Strength Running – these programs are designed for whatever level you’re at (beginner, intermediate, advanced) and broken down by distance level.
If you have a 5k, 10k, half marathon, marathon or ultra on your impossible list this year – now you’ve got a rock-solid training protocol to make sure it happen.
Add these to our previous programs – Impossible Abs, Impossible Strength, the FPC Protocol and the No Excuse Workout and we’re starting to build out quite the library!
I’m very excited about what’s happening on this front. We’ll be adding more and more programs to help you knock out whatever goals you have on your impossible list. If you have a request, just reply to this email and we’ll see what we can do.
Impossible Fitness Running Programs
Strava Calendar Sync Tool
One of the mantras I live by is “if you want it to happen, put it on the calendar.”
I found that when I put my workouts on my calendar – they just happen. There’s no gotchas, no hiccups. If it’s on the calendar – it’s real.
It’s also super helpful to actually SEE those events on the calendar itself after the fact so I can review my week and see what I can do better.
This tool syncs all my runs to my calendar so I can see over time when & where I actually did them.
It’s super helpful for seeing in your calendar what you did and when you did them. It’s harder to eek out “I had a good week” when you see your calendar only has workout events sporadically around the grid.
This is absolutely free and I love it. I hope you do too.
Running Calculators
If you’re a runner, training is half the battle, but having a game plan for knowing how you’re going to pace and run your race is the other half.
To help, we built three calculators to help you run better.
Find out your pace based on previous pace, distance, or time information you have so you can make sure you
Estimate your race time for a certain race based on how fast you’ve run previous distances.
Find out how fast your even splits should be across any race distance.
These are all free, and unlike other ones on the internet are a simple, straightforward experience (and you won’t have to run an antivirus after visiting the site)
Other Stuff
If you’re training hard and not making time for recovery, you’re doing it wrong. We’re updating MoveWell constantly with new movements, routines in the app and free stretching tutorials online.
It’s been scientifically proven you can run 50% faster in an IMPOSSIBLE shirt. #trustthescience – I’m sorry – I don’t make the rules.
We’re building new stuff every day and excited to share what else is coming up. Stay tuned.
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