Today I’m releasing something that I’ve talked about for a long, long time.
The IMPOSSIBLE standards.
In a world that shies away from impossible standards, we’re inundated with propaganda telling you to be less:
“That can’t be done”
“Aim lower”
“Stop trying so hard”
I’m going to step in and just let out one big.
IMPOSSIBLE Standards are a standard. They are binary. Either you get there or you don’t. There’s no waffling, no half measures, and no consolation prizes.
Most people won’t like that. They’ll say they’re too hard or not realistic. They’ll give up before they start.
The proper response to an impossible standard is not to throw your hands up and pretend like you have no control over the situation.
Instead, you should go after it.
Fail. Get dirty. Bloody. Scraped up. Bruised. Then get yourself back up. And. Try again. (Thanks Aaliyah).
They’re called impossible for a reason. Most people can do this. But most people won’t train to become capable. And few will try.
The correct response to IMPOSSIBLE is NOT to give up trying, but to try any damn way instead.
Again, this is a set of standards. Not just a singular measurement.
These are supposed to be hard individually, not impossible. What makes them impossible is hitting them all within a reasonable time frame (30 days).
It’s difficult to do 50 pushups. But totally doable. Do that while running a good marathon time, fast mile time and still deadlift and bench a respectable amount? That’s a challenge.
So without further ado. Here they are. They will be updated here live, but the current iteration is below:
Name | Standard | Target | Last Test | ✅ | Movement |
Marathon | 3:45 | 3:45 | No | Endurance | |
Half Marathon | 1:45 | 1:45 | No | Endurance | |
Mile | 6:00 | 6:00 | No | Speed | |
Pushups | 50 | 50 | No | Bodyweight | |
Bench Press | 1.25x BW | 250 | No | Barbell | |
100 Burpees | 9:30 | 9:30 | No | HIIT | |
500m Row | 1:30 | 1:30 | No | Endurance | |
2000m Row | 7:00 | 7:00 | No | Endurance | |
Pullups | 20 | 20 | No | Bodyweight | |
Squat | 2x BW | 400 | No | Barbell | |
Deadlift | 2x BW | 400 | No | Barbell | |
Single Leg Pistol | 10 unbroken | No | Bodyweight | ||
Handstand Hold | 30 seconds | No | Bodyweight |
Personally, they’re still a bit aspirational for me (basically an impossible list of fitness goals). That said, putting it out there – like putting the impossible list out there – is incredibly helpful for me to focus my training.
There are some athletes who may be able to hit them already. You may be able to do some. You probably can’t do all of them right now (if you can, right now, video it and I’ll send you some gear and we’ll put you down as the first finisher).
The current parameters (I reserve the right to update this as you guys become stronger, more badass and the “impossible” goal posts need to move).
- Complete the Standards within 30 days.
- Record them and have some sort of verification (video is best)
- Receive untold treasure and rewards.
- Do it again (must be a 6 month break between test dates).
Bonus points if you do it with an IMPOSSIBLE tattoo.
The goal is to be able to consistently be able to hit this standards. So, you can get multiple completions, but they have to be 6 months apart.
Coming soon, we’ll be releasing training program to hit the standards and some interactive, ongoing ways to get better at these individual skills on an ongoing basis.
In the meantime, write the standards down. Tattoo them on your brain. And get after it.
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