Pandemic Log: Day 145 – The work from home revolution is old. I have a hate/hate relationship with my desk chair and if no action is taken, I will be in a complete “O” shape by Halloween.
Real talk – it’s too hot in Austin to get out much and home workouts are getting old. I feel glued to the computer bouncing between Zoom calls and writing and then any other work as well.
In a constant effort to merge productivity and movement, I’ve come up with something the last few weeks that seems to help.
I’m calling it Pomodoro pushups.
Pomodoro Pushups
Here’s the deal. Pomodoro pushups are just like normal pomodoros…but with pushups.
You do a standard pomodoro session. 25 minutes of focused work. 5 minutes of break.
But – during that break – you do 25 pushups (at least). 50 if you’re ambitious. 100 if you’re an animal.
Then you get back to work and do another 25 minutes session. Then another 25 pushups.
I’ve found this isn’t just a good productivity hack, but If you do it right -you’ll do more pushups in a day than you’d do in your workout. Plus, each break is actually a focused break – so you’ll come back to yoru work with a clearer focus.
Also – if you keep it at 25 pushups/break, it’s eminently doable and a great example of consistency over time.
Personally, if I get 8 pomodoros – 8, 30 minutes focus sprints and 8 pushups sessions – I’m not just likely be productive, but I’ll have knocked out 200 pushups/day. That’s 6,000/month. On top of that, 4 hours of FOCUSED creative & productive work is not just good – it’s amazing for output.
No, it’s not a complete workout, but it’s better than me getting posture by hunching over my keyboard all day.
Pomodoro Pushups – Try Them.
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