If you’re trying to do something impossible, don’t fall into the trap of telling yourself “someday.”
Every time I see someone settle for “someday” – I want to shake them.
Saving up and planning for the future is a great investment strategy – it’s a terrible strategy for life.
Putting off what you want to be doing for “someday” is a
This isn’t driven by woo-woo, do what you love, head in the clouds talk.
It’s pragmatic.
Why waste time doing stuff you hate? Why not do something that’s worth it? Why spend time talking about all the things you CAN’T do stuff?
It’s not about positive thinking – it’s about practicality.
Time is ticking down – what are you doing with it?
The video down below has a great thought exercise?
> Imagine if you wake up everyday with 84,600 dollars in your bank account and everyday at the end of the night it’s gone
Imagine if your life was like that?
Would you let your bank of time dwindle down to nothing each day or would you spend as much as you could every day on stuff that matters?
Will you keep procrastinating and putting things off until “someday” or will you decide that you’re finally going to start.
Would you keep postponing when you’re going to start until someday – or are you just going to start?
What are you going to do with what you’re given?
I don’t know what you’re going to do with your bank of time, but I want mine to to be spent.
Video Transcript
“I think if we had a lot more leadership out in the hood and the ghetto for the kids, it’d be a lot easier to go into something positive than go into something negative, that you get 84,600 secs a day. Imagine if you wake up everyday with 84,600 dollars in your bank account and everyday at the end of the night it’s gone whether you wasted it or not and then the next day you get another 84,600 dollars. You would do everything in your power to spend it cause you know the next day you’re getting another 84,600 dollars you don’t wanna leave nothing there; you wanna make the best of it, right? You get 84,600 secs why waste time? Doesn’t carry over to the next day, doesn’t earn interest. You take everyday and every moment and make something of it, make something positive.”
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