Launch Launch Launch!
Table of Contents
Launch Day Is Here
I literally haven’t slept for the last 36 hours. I’ve been downing red bull and eating bacon the last few hours (yes, that’s a completely healthy diet) testing things and I’m about to head out to work. I’ll be running on adrenaline all day…but it’s all going to be totally worth it.
If you want to skip to the chase, you can get your Impossible T-Shirts here. If you want to read the stories behind it all, read on. And you’ll probably want to read on because WE’RE LAUNCHING SO MANY THINGS!!!
So where do we begin? Lets’ start with this one.
Impossible HQ
Impossible HQ is here. The new hub for everything impossible online. We’ll be launching a lot more projects off this in the future and you’ll be able to find all of the current and future impossible properties on this site (and there will be a lot).
HQ will be the place where we can pull together the blog, the league and all the other super secret impossible projects that aren’t quite ready to talk about yet (don’t worry, you’ll find out soon enough!). I’ve been putting this together for the last few weeks and I’m really excited about how it turned out. Steven was an amazing help putting this together as were Jeff & Marla Sarris. After all the work that’s gone into this over the past couple weeks, it’s finally come together and I’m absolutely pumped at how it turned out.
Of course, I’m excited about how everything looks (amazing, of course), but I’m even more excited about what Impossible HQ lets us do. With Impossible HQ, we raise the ceiling on what we can do with the Impossible. We can make a bigger story, and create an even bigger adventure, and this is just the beginning. There’s lots and lots more to come.
It’s gonna be big. It’s gonna be fun. It’s gonna be impossible and I’m glad you’re onboard and going to be a part of it.
Check out Impossible HQ
Impossible T-shirts
Speaking of lots of more things to come…
The Impossible T-Shirts are here!
After a long, long wait and much anticipation, they’re finally here and I’m incredibly excited about them. The shirts are so amazing that somehow they manage to make me look good! Seriously. If that doesn’t impress you, then I’m at a loss for words.
Here’s my feeble attempt to describe their awesomeness:
Be a part of the impossible league and pick up the official Impossible t-shirt. Featuring the official impossible logo, this shirt is guaranteed to help you run faster, jump incredibly high, and do insane parkour. It’s also the only t-shirt on earth designed to instantly make you more attractive to the opposite sex* (as well as anything else you dare to consider “impossible”).
*May or may not actually make you more attractive to the opposite sex.
$20 – Free Shipping Anywhere In The World!
These American Apparel tri-blend blue track tees are only $20 and include free shipping anywhere in the WORLD! ANYWHERE! I went downtown Chicago over the weekend to get some shots of the shirts with my good friends Jeff & Marla Sarris from Six4Eleven. As part of the shoot, we actually went to the American Apparel store downtown Chicago, and the basic tees (the same one these are printed on – without the dead sexy impossible logo) cost $22! That’s right, I get the shirts customized and ship it to your house in Zimbabwe for $2 less than what they charge you for the same tee in the American Apparel store. Some would say that’s impossible to do, but that’s just how I roll. I’m looking out for you guys :).
If you’re wondering what this actually looks like in the wild, you’re in luck. Fortunately I had Jeff & Marla follow me around all day downtown Chicago and they got a bunch of shots of me and the shirt on the streets. Here you go.
Impossible Shirt – Front Detail
Impossible Shirt – Back Detail
You guys asked for ’em, so here they are. I hope you’re as excited for them as I am.
Get your Impossible Shirt Today
Impossible T-shirt Contest Winners
Don’t worry, I didn’t forget about the impossible t-shirt contest. There were a lot of entries and I couldn’t decide who to pick so I decided to use a random number generator instead. Here’s what fate decided:
Comments Contest: Andrew Schaefer – Joel. I’m thinking why I need an Impossible shirt. First, I need something to wear every time I upload a video of me doing something off of my impossible list. Secondly, I need a shirt like that because as soon as the ladies realize that it’s NOT impossible to date, talk to, or befriend me the better I’ll be. And lastly, I need a shirt because I’m new to the impossible list and the impossible league. Also, I’m spreading the word and I’m trying to get my roommate (Josh) to make an impossible list. AND make sure Tyler and Yoder NEVER get one of these. You should make wrist bands as well that have the impossible crossed out..
Twitter Contest: Bekka Scott – I want in @joelrunyon ‘s shirt. Sexy cotton all over. Not impossible, look –>
Facebook Photo Caption Contest: Jared Hynes – The expression of a person recently converted from believing in ‘Impossible’ to believing in ‘Possible'” (As seen at many world record settings, daredevil stunts, and other shenanigans previously thought “Impossible”)
Congratulations Andrew, Bekka and Jared! Shoot me an email with your t-shirt size and address and you’ll have a shirt coming your way! If you didn’t win, there’s still a shot to win one in the Impossible League’s October challenge. Or, you know, you could just pick one up in the store – they are just $20 after all :).
But, just in case you’re not convinced yet, I’ve got something else for you. In full launch-fashion, I decided I needed to step it up. It’s not enough to have a new site and new shirts out. I needed to get the word out. I needed to let people know about the impossible t-shirts. So, with the help of Jeff & Marla, we put together this made-for-tv commercial. If this doesn’t convince you that you absolutely need an impossible shirt, then I don’t know what will. Enjoy and look for it on a television show near you.
If that insane parkour didn’t make you want to get a shirt and go out and do parkour immediately, something is wrong with you :).
One More Thing…
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
I honestly appreciate every single one of you that read this you more than you’ll know. Even if you never buy anything that comes out of ImpossibleHQ, seriously, thank you for paying attention.. I’m excited for this new chapter that’s coming and I can’t wait for you to be a part of this. Not only that, but you guys are pretty amazing and doing some incredible things yourselves. I’m excited and honored to be a part of all the impossible things you’re up to.
Keep doing the impossible. Let me know how I can help.
Massive props to Steven Musngi for help with the design work with
Massive props to Jeff & Marla at Six4Eleven. Find them and have them do everything for you. They’re really, really good at shooting people (with a camera of course) and they’re pretty stellar human beings as well. What more could you ask for? Thanks guys!
Nina Yau says
1. Can’t wait to get my shirt because if I can do insane parkour like you did off the trash can, then I’m a winner for LIFE.
2. Congrats. 🙂
Joel Runyon says
I’ll totally dominate you in a game of trash can parkour. Don’t even try to mess with this Ms. Nina.
Aaron says
Congratulations and can’t wait to go explore a bit more the HQ! The shirts look great. Lot’s of awesomeness flying around here today! Looking forward to the manifesto with gusto.
Have an awesome week!
Joel Runyon says
Thank Aaron :). Glad you’re enjoying the site!
Janet says
I think I remember saying you wouldn’t monetize on your blog.. or maybe it was specifically no info products. 😉
but seriously, dude. You are AWESOME. I love that you made shirts. And I love the brand. And I love that you lead this movement. YOU! You are awesome. 🙂
Sorry for my lack of verbosity here and reverting to words such as awesome which doesn’t really do justice.
Joel Runyon says
ImpossibleHQ is a different initiative than the blog. The blog is my story. ImpossibleHQ & Impossible League are all related but not really this blog.
Glad you like the new direction & brand :). Thanks a lot Janet!
Alan says
Joel Runyon says
Gary says
Lose the ad on the back of the shirt, and I’m in. 🙂
Joel Runyon says
Shirts are already printed – sorry! Hope you pick one up anyways!
I’m not looking to advertise the site. I’m looking for people who want to be a part of the site. I hope you’re in the second camp!
Kurt Swann says
Really like the new site . . . great job with the web design!!
Joel Runyon says
Thanks Kurt 🙂 Glad the sky-diver in residence approves!
Mars Dorian says
Very cool new brand my friend !
but I have to admit – the superpowers your copy promise are not accurately reflected in your videos.
Joel Runyon says
Haha, they’re a little tongue-in-cheek at some of the hard-sell videos out there. We wanted to have fun with it :).
Chris Walter says
Wow dude. You’ve put in a ton of hard work and should be really proud of making it all come together today. I’m seriously impressed!
Love the pictures too!
Joel Runyon says
Thanks Chris. Jeff, Marla & Steven helped me out a ton. Big props to them. Glad you’re liking the site!
James St. James says
Great to catch up on what’s been going on. Awesome looking shirts – shoot me an email with what I can do to get one sent to southern Ontario/Canada.
Joel Runyon says
They’ve got free international shipping included. Just go pick one up – – and you’re good to go!
Nicky Hajal says
This shirt is going to look phenomenal at 18000 feet.
Joel Runyon says
Just 18,000? We can go bigger Nicky. Must….Jump…Off….Higher…Things!
davidd says
That is The. Best. TV. Commercial. Ever.
Now I feel that even I can achieve the impossible!
Jeff Sarris says
Woot! That’s what we aim for! 😉
Joel Runyon says
Joel Runyon says
Dawn says
LOVE LOVE the video! You is crazy fool…xoxo
As soon as I have an extra $20 that chick shirt is mine!!
Joel Runyon says
Awesome :). Can’t wait to see what you do in your impossible shirt.
Tristan says
Hardcore parkour! Dwight from the US Office, eat your heart out.
The photos, shirts and pro-looking video all look great. Excited to be part of this and the positivity of the league is frickin’ infectious. Keep it going and let us know what we can do to help! =)
Joel Runyon says
Haha, glad you enjoyed it :).
Good to see you in the League man. Have a good couple months and we’ll see you when you come back!
davidd says
YES! I want to run fast, jump high, and master totally sick parkour moves! Please rush me my FREE “Impossible League” t-shirt! Enclosed are two (2) box tops from specially marked “Body Weight™” packages Skittles® plus twenty dollars for shipping and handling.
Fabian | The Friendly Anarchist says
Hey Joel, this is amazing! Great to see you bringing impossibility to the people far and wide… Insane parkour FTW! 🙂
I will be following along curiously to see what’s next!
Dagmar says
Nice one Joel! Already ordered. Time to flash the Impossible Tee in Denmark 😀
It didn’t add an extra charge for the shipping though, even after I put in the address in Denmark – what’s that about? I’m happy to pay for the shipping, so let me know if there’s been some mistake…
Looking forward to wearing the Impossible Tee when doing some insanely impossible adventure sports!
Glad to see you’re doing so well, big hug!
Joel Runyon says
What’s that about? It’s about Free shipping to Denmark! (cause I love you like that).
Can’t wait to see you rocking your impossible tee (with your big green hat). Thanks for the support Dagmar!
Dagmar says
Wauw! Gotta love that free shipping – goes right on my Awesome List, thanks!!
Joel Runyon says
Awesome 😉