Looking over my impossible list, I started to realize there’s basically two types of things on my list that I’ve done:
Type #1 – Things I Can Do On My Own
Stuff like kitesurfing, running an ultra marathon, or starting a business.
Pick something off the list, put it on the schedule, and do it.
Type #2 – Stuff I Need Help For
This is stuff like 777, impossible.org, and projects that are bigger than me.
Type 1 tasks are easier to do. I don’t mind going off on my own and knocking things out. That means, type #2 tasks sometimes get delayed. I don’t love asking for help or taking on things that require other people’s help.
But type #2 blocks are usually mental.
Because when I do ask for help – the help comes surprisingly easily.
And cool stuff happens. We lend $80k to entrepreneurs on Kiva. We raise over $200,000 for Pencils of Promise. Big things happen with big asks.
If you want to do something impossible and you need help…
…ask for it.
Sure, if you ask, you might not get it. But if you don’t ask, you’re definitely not going to get it.
You’d be surprised how many times the answer is yes.
Don’t ask, don’t get.
If you want something – ask for it, and then go get it.
It’s waiting for you.
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