Just read this post
We’ve got a lot of really intriguing announcements, meetups, races and job postings (yes jobs!) in this post. I could come up with a fancy title for all of this, but just read this post.
RSS –> Email
Table of Contents
RSS is dead (mostly). If you’re reading this via email – relax and move on to the next item. If you’re reading this via rss on the blog – this is for you!
You might know that google recently killed google reader and if you’re reading this via GReader, as of July 1, you won’t be able to anymore – they’re shutting it down. Essentially, RSS is dead. If you really, really want to use RSS going forward, I recommend feedly.
However, the best way to stay up-to-date with everything is to join ~10,000 other really awesome people and subscribe via email right here. You also get a ton of really great stuff when you sign up (I like to bribe you). Not to mention, I’m doing a ton of new stuff with email in the next few months, so it’s going to be an even bigger deal than before. If you’re reading via RSS and want to keep up with everything we’re doing here at Impossible HQ after Google Reader goes to technology heaven, email is the way to go.
–> Subscribe here <— Get in on this.
Impossible HQ is Hiring An Editor
Big News –> I’m looking to hire an editor here at Impossible HQ. For the last 3 years, I’ve been running everything myself + a very tiny team of on/off contractors of mostly graphic designers.
As things continue to grow, I’m going to continue to expand (we have two big projects in the works as we speak). That stats with making sure everything on the site is high-quality, helping schedule & plan out content strategy as well as do some copy-editing to fend off the extra commas and missing words that sometimes creep into the site. Ideal candidates are great writers & highly organized but can deal with someone who is not (mainly me).
Note, this is a part-time position and you’re not going to make google money, but it is a paid position. You also get a first-hand look at what I’m coming up with next and other projects before I launch them publicly.
If you’d like to apply send an email to joel [at] impossiblehq [dot] com.
Please put “Editor Position” in the subject line and answer the following questions:
- Name & Location (virtual position, but time zones are important)
- What’s your relevant experience as a writer/editor? What should I know about you?
- What type of time availability do you have on a weekly basis to dedicate to Impossible HQ?
- How long have you been reading Impossible HQ? What’s your favorite article?
- Why are you a good fit for this position?
- Why do you want to do this?
- What’s the one thing you’d like to influence about Impossible HQ?
- What’s the next thing you’re crossing off your impossible list? When are you going to do it?
- When was your last cold shower?
- Is there anything else you want to brag about/I should know?
Applications need to be in by April 5th (10 days). Once I get them all, I’ll be reading through the apps, pick out the best to do an interview and a few test projects. If we find a good fit, we’ll run a 90 day contract (3 months) to see how it goes and hopefully move full steam ahead if things go smoothly. If you’re interested, I’d love for you to apply – just remember applications need to be in by April 5th.
Chicago Meetup
Chicago area people. We’re having a small meetup next week on Wednesday at 7pm(ish). We’re still finalizing venue details, but if you’d like to come, simply RSVP and click here and fill out the form below.
Chicago Tough Mudder
In another case of “I’m doing X, who wants to come with me?“, I’m running the Chicago Tough Mudder on May 18th & 19th…who wants to come with me?
If you want to get in on it – put your details in here. I’ll be sending out an email asap, pick our date and get a team together. If you’re in Chicago and think you’re tough enough to give it a shot, lets go.
*note, you’re going to have to be in decent shape to pull this off. It’s a 10-12 mile obstacle race with 20+ obstacles, so if you’re still struggling doing a couple miles, we’ll be doing some other events down the road. You might want to start training now.
To RSVP to the Chicago area Tough Mudder, click here and fill out the form below.
Non-Chicago & International Readers
Don’t worry – we’re working on a few solid meetups outside the Chicago area. Later this year, we’ll be doing more & more meetups around the U.S. and hopefully interenationally as well :).
Random Fun Fact: Last weekend I gave a TEDx talk here in Chicago. It should be online in the next few days & I’ll be posting it as soon as it’s live. Stay tuned!
Whew! I think that’s it….
I’m constantly working on new stuff around here and I’m pretty excited about what 2013 has in store. I’m always working to make things bigger & better and as I do, the simple limits of what I think is impossible keeps moving further away.
As always, thanks for being a part of this :). Keep doing something impossible.
photo credit: the bbp
Sophie says
Sounds like you’ve got some great stuff lined up Joel. I’d love to work for Blog of Impossible things but I presume (although obviously not proved), you’ll be looking for someone over in the USA? Or does virtual literally mean, anywhere on the planet?
Really looking forward to reading all about your new stuff/areas of work aka the Possible 🙂
Joel Runyon says
Virtual means ANYWHERE 🙂
davidd says
Whoa! This site, and your whole LIFE, have come a long way since you started posting about trying to do a few pushups or running 5 or 10 kilometers!
Daniel Cow says
ERGH. If this was two or more weeks ago, I would’ve jumped at the opportunity to edit part-time for this blog for cash-money, but I’ve since started my own after getting fired up by you and Sean Ogle. It’s all of one day old. 🙂
I don’t know how many hours you’re looking for your editor to put in weekly, but I’m a copywriter/proofreader in charge of the content marketing strategy at a creative studio, so I have some experience in the aforementioned. I might not have the availability you’re looking for, but I’d totally be down to exchange services in return for mentorship in conquering the impossible if you are.
Take care!
Sarah Cate says
Awesome things to come, Joel! Just curious, are any meet-ups in the works in the Phoenix area? We have a great community over here, I’d love to come. Also, Day 2 of Cold Shower Therapy and feeling great!
Jasmine says
I’m ashamed to say that this is my first time ever hearing of you and your work 🙁 I live in Chicago and would love to run in the tough mudder but im not sure if my body will be ready in time. Hopefully it is so I can join you in the race!!
Joel Runyon says
Jasmine – come out to the meetup next week. I’d love to meet you 🙂
Jasmine says
I’m surprised to see your up this late! And is there any chance you’ll be having another meetup?
J.D. Meier says
Good job on sticking to your core.
I’ve seen bad blogs happen to good people when they get over-extended and gradually spend less time on doing what they’re uniquely great at.
That’s the true power of blogs — sharing what you’re uinquely great at with the world, your way.
One of my best mentors asked me that simple but effective question so long ago:
“What do you want to spend more time doing?”
So simple. So profound. So effective.
The irony is we can spend a lifetime figuring that out.
It sounds like you found your path … keep doing the impossible.
Sarah says
Yay! Two of my favorite things combined: TED and Impossible Things! Awesome – cannot wait to see the video!
Taylor Jacobson says
Congrats on the TED talk and best of luck with the TM!
And, great post title. Reminded me not to be so rigid.
Ali says
Yes, you do need an editor 😉 “That stats with making sure everything on the site is high-quality…”
You’re doing great things! Keep it up