Personal note: this is something I've been massively struggling with the last few days and I needed to write a post as a kind of therapy. Hang in there with me. Perfectionism is a funny thing. It's supposed to be regaled and with words like "craft", "art" and "perfection." It also causes more people to not do s**t than any other thing I can think of. Refining and editing your work has value, but perfectionism is a cancer and it will kill your work if ...
Short & Sweet
I'm noticing I have a tendency to overwrite. I was working on a guest post and realized it when I inflated an 800 word story to a 1600 words. When i sat down to edit it, I realized all the crap I put into it that wasn't necessary or essential to the story. On the other end of the spectrum, I have this weird pressure that I need to come up with something amazing & insightful that's lengthy and impressive and somewhere between 800 & 1200 words. ...