Good question! There’s a ton of stuff in the works right now at Impossible HQ. It can all get a little bit crazy so every once in a while, I try to write everything down to keep track of things. This time, I thought I’d share. Here are some of the things that I’m up to this February.
New Homepage Design
Table of Contents
The incredible team over at Spyr Media cooked up an amazing new design for Previously it was a little stale, out-of-date and didn’t really encompass everything I’m up to these days. So Dave powered up photoshop and Jeff went to coding and they brought this thing of beauty to life in no time at all. Seriously, I’m beyond impressed with it. Also, if you want to have some fun, change the size of your browser window and see what happens with the responsive design (or just check it out on your iPhone). Very cool. Massive thanks to Jeff, Dave and Marla for everything at Spyr Media.
Target Talk
On the 17th, I’ll be headed up to Minneapolis and braving the weather to talk at this up and coming company you might have heard of – Target. Apparently, there are a few Impossible Leaguers up at Target HQ (hey guys!), so they asked me to come up and speak to their triathlon club as they kick off the season. I’m pretty excited as one of the things I’m focusing more on this year is speaking. I guess opening 2012 by speaking at the second largest retailer in the country isn’t a bad way to start. BOOM. See you there Target!
Impossible Apparel
Since we launched the Impossible Shirts about 6 months ago. the response has been really, really good. Much better than I thought it would have been, if I’m honest. When I talk to people about how to start a t-shirt line, I tell everyone to launch one shirt, with one design, with one color when they first launch. I think that’s still probably the best way to test to see if you have a market for selling something like t-shirts. Once you do, you can expand – which is where i am at.
A few astute observers may have noticed a new impossible shirt making the rounds of social media as of late. The plan was to have it ready for today’s post, but it got moved back a few days to finalize things on the store. Just know, there’s another one coming (here’s a sneak peak).
Women’s Tanks
The ladies over the impossible league have been on my case about getting impossible tanks. They’re coming! I promise. We’re working on getting the right supplier in place and getting a few samples and we’ll be good to go.
As a side note: the purpose of apparel around the league and HQ isn’t to make a bunch of shirts, sell ’em, make a boatload of money and retire on an island (okay, maybe the island part is true, but there are a lot faster ways to make money than just selling t-shirts). I want to make stuff that is insanely comfortable, well-designed and serves as a reminder once people leave the blog to do something impossible, as they head into the offline world and actually turn inspiration into action. One of my favorite things is seeing the impossible things you guys are doing in your shirts and the stories you come away with…which brings me to my next item:
Impossible Gallery
I’ve put together of all the photos of people doing impossible things while wearing their shirt in a gallerys. As always, if you’ve got a shirt, take a photo of you doing something impossible (standing in front of your mirror doesn’t count!) and send it in, and we’ll put it in the gallery. If you’ve already done it, check it out. You just might be there. If you’re not, what are you waiting for? Grab a shirt. Do something impossible. Send it in.
Impossible Tri
I’ve been holed up in the basement, knocking this out for the past couple of weeks and it’s almost done. And it looks like it just might come out on time – Look out! I’m still crossing my fingers on this, but final ship date is February 21st. Ah! If you want to do a triathlon this year, but think it’s impossible, I know exactly where you’re coming from. I used to as well. I couldn’t find many things that just explained seemingly basic questions in simple language. What do I wear? How do I train? What do I eat? Impossible Tri is going to have everything you need for running your first sprint distance triathlon and show you that it’s not impossible, from the training schedule to your eating habits. I’m bringing in a few pro athletes as well to show you exactly what you need to do and how you need to do it. If you’re interested, you can sign up for more information here. Boom.
Impossible League Chat
We’ll be having our very first Impossible League chat this Thursday at 6pm CST. I’ve been promising this forever, so we’re finally gonna do it.We’ll be setting it up on UStream and stream it live, right in the League. Mark it on your calendars, tell everyone and their mothers and check it out this Thursday. We’ll have some fun!
Whew! That’s a lot of things, but we’re just getting started. If you remember, just last month we released DO THE IMPOSSIBLE: 50 Impossible Quotes with the help of David Crandall. In less than a month, it’s received over 96k views on slideshare alone. When you factor in downloads, etc, the project has been seen over 100,000 times. Wow.
We’ve also got a few stealth projects that you’ll be hearing more and more about in the coming months. I’d love to share more, but I’m a big fan of doing, then talking, so I’ve got to get them a little farther on the doing aspect of these projects before I start sharing more of their details.
Any questions? Save ’em for Thursday’s chat! As always, thanks for reading and keep doing something impossible.
Sergio Felix says
Hey Joel,
Wow, I have to say that I’m VERY impressed by all the changes AND the quality of the new site.
Definitely well worth every cent, looking forward to see how you develop all the new projects, really great concepts man.
All the best, good vibes and good luck!
andrew says
Great job on the redo of the site, looks really good, and congrats on all the good stuff going on!
Joel Runyon says
Thanks for being a part of it 🙂
Josh Denness says
I’ll do my best to be there for the chat! I think 6pm CST is midnight for me – no problem for a student 😀
Tobias Mullinax says
What is this Impossible Island? Intriguing…
Joel Runyon says
You’ll find out soon enough 🙂
Dane says
Keep it rollin’! Inspiration to us all.
Eric says
I really like the new site design.
Have you ever considered hosting a triathlon? You could call it “The Impossible Tri”.
Joel Runyon says
Give me a few more months! 🙂
dan says
beautiful design, i’m really curious about island/agency!!!
Joel Runyon says
Thanks Dan. I’ll catch you up on things here soon.
Ricardo Bueno says
Joel: Just checked it out and DAMN! It looks really great!! Congrats on it all!
Todd Schnick says
site looks great!!
may have to talk to those guys about a refresh for intrepid…
Joel Runyon says
Do it. if you need them. They’re great.