This is the first part of my annual impossible review series. This focuses on what sort of impossible things I accomplished in 2010. Part 2 will focus on what impossible things are coming up in 2011.
2010 was a year of establishment. A year ago, everything from using WordPress to running triathlons to writing on a consistent basis was new to me. I had some background in each of them, but I had never immersed myself in it. This year I did. I made lots of mistakes, started over a couple different times, but I figured it out, I adapted, and I survived.
Here’s a quick rundown of how things went:
Athletic Challenges
Table of Contents
13 months ago, I had never run more than 3 miles. In the last year, I’ve run a 10k, a half marathon, two sprint triathlons [1st race, 2nd race], and an olympic distance triathlon. I also threw in an indoor triathlon and an adventure race for good measure.
This was a huge step for me. I went from knowing nothing about triathlons to establishing that I can swim a mile, run 13.1 miles and bike 20+ miles. I needed to give my body a little bit of a break since November, so over the last month training has slowed. But, in the next week, I’ll be shrugging off the cold and snowy Indiana weather and picking up the training. I’m going the couple extra months of practice if I want to finish a… nevermind…that’s for Thursday’s post. Moving on…
I’ve written 88 posts in 2010. Thursday’s post will be number 89. I also wrote a short guide that members of the League got for Christmas [Note: If you’re not a part of the League and missed out on this one, you can sign up here for more goodies on the way]. I had the opportunity to write several guest posts for blogs I enjoy and respect , including one at Think Traffic about doubling your comments [the article got over over 100 comments so I guess the strategy works]. I did really great on guest posting for a 2-3 month stretch in July-September, but since then I’ve focused on other things. That’s something that I both want and need to get back to doing.
When I started BIT, I didn’t have any writing goals other than to keep doing it. Blogging had been an off and on hobby, but nothing more than that. That’s definitely changed since I’ve started. I’m quite happy with the progress I’ve made and the consistency I’ve maintained throughout this last year; however, I want to be more deliberate with the direction I’m taking my writing. This is something that will be constantly evolving as I continue learning how to live and tell great stories. I’ll be sharing more specifics here about what this means exactly on Thursday.
I’m not planning on “monetizing” BIT in the traditional sense. A lot of people think that means that I don’t plan on making money at all, that’s not really true either. Here’s my two sentence take on business – Do great work. Get paid well for it. End of story.
Even so, without really trying, I’ve made a little over a thousand dollars this year because of this blog that I wouldn’t have made otherwise, mostly due to relationships I’ve built with different people through it. That’s not a ton of money, but that’s totally okay with me. I’d much rather grow other businesses and let this blog serve as a place to share that journey and experience, just as I would do with a triathlon or any other of the goals on the list.
Peak Moments
Some of the few moments this year that were really big highlights for me:
- Starting The Blog of Impossible Things
- Meeting Chris, JD & Baker in Chicago immediately after I started the blog
- Traveling to Hawaii, London, and Austin, TX and learning from some of the best in my industry
- Racing across [half of] America
- Running my first triathlon ever
- Getting loads of awesome emails from readers like you
Of course there are a lot more things I could list out, but that would just be another list and this is more than just a list of impossible stuff I’ve done this year.
Gaining Context
As I said in the last weeks post, often when I look back on the year, I’m tempted to focus on the stuff I’ve still got left to accomplish. While that’s good, but without context, my reaction tends to be “that’s it?” rather than “wow, look at what I’ve done.” It’s good to push forward, but not at the expense of gaining context and understanding the broader scope of things. Gaining context is the main reason I’ll be conducting these impossible reviews. Context allows me to enjoy the things I have accomplished and reminds me why I’m doing what I’m doing. Context gives a list meaning and turns a string of accomplishments into a story of improvement, and evolution, success and failure into something that draws you in.
When I look at this year in context, I can see that I established a lot of things and I laid a lot of groundwork for the future. Looking back a year ago this time, I was unemployed, I had never run more than 3 miles in my life and barely knew what three events a triathlon consisted of. 365 days later, I get to do work I enjoy, I’ve dominated several races, and I’ve built up a modicum of success in the blogosphere. More importantly, I’ve got a better understanding of what things actually are impossible and what just seems so in my mind. The best part? Everyday the things that are impossible seem a little less so. I’m continually amazed at what can happen in a year and you your life can change so drastically in one year.
2010 has been a great year, thanks for being a part of it. 🙂
How was your 2010? What impossible things did you accomplish this year?
Ruben Berenguel says
Looks like a good year Joel! I have not done any recap yet. I bet it will look far better than what I feel. A quick overview would be:
Grew my subscribers from 50 to 330,
Spent 3 weeks in my ideal country: Iceland,
Published my first mathematical paper (accepted last year, published this),
Got my green belt in karate,
among a few others. Not bad, but it can always be better 😉
Joel Runyon says
Green Belt huh? Congrats! I’m amazed at how many of my readers are into martial arts. Interesting trend to take note of…
Ruben Berenguel says
Yes, I’ve also seen quite a lot of fellow MA’ers around the “lifestyle”/”personal development” area. I don’t know why. Probably because it trains both the mind and the body?
I had to give up last June, two months after getting my green belt, as I had too many things to do (thesis, mainly), and was not able to catch up this October (classes to give+thesis). I miss it quite a lot (also, I would be blue belt by now, my fellow greens are already blues :/).
Joel Runyon says
Jump back on it Ruben. Blue belt by this time next year. Deal?
Ruben Berenguel says
My schedule (and finances) won’t allow me do that. But I give a counter-offer: PhD by this time next year. Deal? 😉
Joel Runyon says
Eric says
Great job Joel- mad props to you for your commitment in turning the impossible, possible!
Looking forward to reading more to come in 2k11 bro!
Me these things I thought would be impossible that I’ve accomplished.
• Had my first child! Never thought I would see the day I wanted kids and now I’m a proud father. Crazy!
• Puttin’ an end to my panick attacks and reducing my anxiety. I’ve dealt with that shit for over a decade!
• Selling our second vehicle and biking to work, gym and errands every single day. Didn’t think I could do that and it’s been 5 months now and still going strong- booyah!
• Sharing so much of myself in my blog. I never thought I could put myself out there for the world to judge as much as I have and I love it… all of it, the good, the bad and the ugly!
Keep inspiring Joel!
Joel Runyon says
Congrats on coming so far Eric and having a child! That’s crazy.
Nice job on biking everywhere. I assume & hope you’re someplace warm? 🙂
Eric says
Negative Ghost Rider- pattern is cold! I’m in CO, we aren’t getting any snow, which is good, but I’ve biked in 15° weather. Kind of like Indie, isn’t it?
Joel Runyon says
You’re a brave man Mr. Eric. We’re not quite that cold, but I still feel your pain.
Kurt Swann says
You focus on the stuff you still you’ve still got left to accomplish? Know what you mean! Am guilty of that too . . . thanks for reminding me of “context”!
In the past year I climbed Kilimanjaro, was a finalist in San Francisco comedy competition, traveled to Italy and Ecuador, and have worked on training for mountaineering such as snow camping and other related stuff.
Best wishes in the New Year!
Joel Runyon says
Are you serious Kurt? Congrats man. That’s epic! Congrats on an awesome year.
p.s. do you know about Tyler Tervooren? He’s currently set on climbing the seven highest peaks on each continent. If you haven’t see his blog, you should. Good stuff 🙂
Congrats again. Best of luck in ’11!
Kurt Swann says
I did look at Tyler’s blog and it has lots of good info! Thanks!
Also, I just got the Million Miles In A Thousand Years book. Like it lots and over half done reading it. Thanks for the recommendation! One of the best quotes from the book so far is when he’s talking about the death of his uncle and using your life as a way of telling a story. . .
“If you aren’t telling a good story nobody thinks you died too soon; they just think you died.”
Joel Runyon says
Haha. So many good quotes from that book. Glad you liked it Kurt! When you’re finished, shoot me an email with your final thoughts. Hope you enjoy the rest of the book!
davidd says
Your Hawaii trip must have been before I started following your exploits. If you’re gonna make the trip again, let me know; I’ll add “buy Joel a beer” to my Impossible Things list!
Joel Runyon says
I will have to take you up on that! I went back in March as well as 2x a few years back. Been to Big Island, Maui & Oahu…So beautiful. Got some photos you can see here from the trip a couple years ago –> Flickr
Trever Clark says
Hey Joel – That’s some epic shit to accomplish in just one year. Congrats, man! It’s amazing what you can do in a year when you decide to intentionally do awesome things.
My list for the past year included:
– Starting my blog and gaining over 50 subscribers in just a couple of months
– Ramping up to over $10 a day in passive income
– Backpacking around Mexico for 5 Weeks
– Getting married (for the 2nd time)!
– Running my first 10K
– Seeing my two favorite bands (The Arcade Fire and Coheed and Cambria)
I’ve got plans to make 2011 at least 9.3 times as epic as 2010. Looking forward to hearing what you’ve got in store for the coming year!
Joel Runyon says
9.3x! I fully expect you to exceed that number. This time next year better be at least 9.5x more epic :).
Austin L. Church says
Thanks for sharing what you’ve accomplished. You inspired me to make my own list:
· got married for the first time!
· ran my second half-marathon
· 41 posts, along with numerous articles and newsletters
· finally paid a designer to give my blog the look and functionality that it deserves
I enjoyed reading about what you’ve accomplished this year, and I took a little time to make my own list:
· started writing my first full-length manuscript
· finished my first short book about writing
· edited a book for someone else for the first time
· helped a friend quit a job he hated and start his own web marketing business
· helped one of my clients increase revenue by 25%
· celebrated one year anniversary as my own boss
· got my own office for the first time
· finally getting a handle on my finances by paying off all my debt and starting a Roth IRA
· visited the Abbey of Gethsemani for the first time
· attended my first horse race (Foxfield Spring Races in Charlottesville, Virginia)
· went to Marlins’ spring training in Jupiter, Florida
· visited Charleston, South Carolina for the first time
· caught my first Brook trout in the Great Smoky Mountains
· caught my first Greenback Cutthroat trout in Colorado
Writing down what I have accomplished was interesting because it showed what I remembered—obviously. What I mean is that what we remember tells us what’s important to us.
I’m surprised by how many people I talk to who don’t immediately know what’s important to them. Thomas Merton says that “Becoming a saint is becoming yourself,” so when we know what’s important to us—whether it’s model rockets or fashion—we can’t help but help other people at the same time.
Joel, I hope the New Year exceeds your expectations!
Joel Runyon says
Thanks for the awesome comment. Glad your 2010 went so well. You definitely got a lot done. It sounds spectacular. Best of luck in 2011!
James St. James says
Congrats on a great 2011 buddy!
For me, my biggest TOP FIVE achievements were:
1. Becoming a father to a beautiful healthy boy (after a devastating miscarriage in 2009).
2. Taking off the summer (2 months) from work on parental leave.
3. Losing 18 lbs. of body fat.
4. Surrounding myself with awesome people and cutting off relationships with those who drain my energy and optimism.
5. Starting and maintaining my blog
Thanks for the constant encouragement to do things I perceived as impossible!
Joel Runyon says
Those are some killer achievements James! Well done sir – especially on the son!