Four yeas ago, I started IMPOSSIBLE when I signed up to do my first ever triathlon. Back then, this was a big deal. I’d never run more than three miles in one go before and actually finishing a triathlon seemed impossible. So much so that my first triathlon was indoor because I figured it'd be harder for me to drown in a pool. Once I finished and realized that I could do more, I set off on my Impossible List and ever since, I’ve been crossing things off ...
5 Lessons Learned From My First Ultra Marathon
This weekend I ran the Chicago Ultra Marathon. I never thought I'd actually run an ultra marathon. I told myself after my first ever marathon that that was more than far enough and I was quite okay. Then I found out about ultras and they kept popping up in my mind. At the same time, I found an amazing organization to partner with, and pretty soon I was working in a coffee shop sitting next to Nicky when I looked up at him and said, "I think I just signed ...
How You Can Help Sponsor The Ultra & Get A Personalized Video From Me
A little over 6 weeks ago, we announced we were going to build an #impossible school through a partnership with Pencils of Promise. The goal was big – really big – $25,000 to build a school by the end of the year. As part of the effort, I'll be running my first ultra marathon at the end of the month and running a 50k along the south short of Lake Michigan in Chicago and invited everyone to join in and do something impossible, set a goal and raise money for ...
Finding The Door: The Secret To Never Ever Stopping – Ever
If you can see yourself doing something, you can do it. If you can't see yourself doing it, usually you can't achieve it. - David Goggins David Goggins is a Navy Seal, endurance athlete and all around hardcore dude you probably dont want to mess with. I could talk about him all day, but this video does a much better job with a lot less words. Take just 6 minutes and watch this video. We'll be talking about it the rest of the ...